IG logo Industrial Group of the BCA


2 year diary of forthcoming UK meetings A very u seful springboard to relevant meetings.
2004 Spring Meeting Photographs
2005 BCA Spring Meeting Exhibition Stand Photographs
2005 Spring Meeting Overview

Abstract Submission for Industrial Group meetings
About the Industrial Group An introduction
Alun Bowen Lectures
Applications - Industrial
       Academic Industrial Liaison
       Cable Industry
       Glass Industry
       Metals Industries
       Pharmaceutical Industry
Archive - Web Site of Month
Archive of Crystallography News articles
Archive of News Pages
Award - Industrial Group
       Call nominations IG Awa rd
       Index of IG Awards
       Award 2006

Book reviews
       Industrial Applications of X-Ray Diffraction. Edited by: Frank H. Chung, Deane K. Smith
       Introduction to Physical Chemistry (Third Edition)- Mark Ladd
       A Practical Guide for the Preparation of Specimens for XRF and XRD Edited by: V. E. Buhrke, R. Jenkins, D.K. Smith
       Introduction to X-ray Powder Diffractometry - Jenkins and Snyder
       Powder Diffraction - Langford & Lou�r

Chair Reports 2005 - Presented by the Group Chair at the AGM
Chair Reports 1999 - 2004
Chair Reports 1995 - 1998
Constitution Industrial Group Constitution
Committee Current committee contact details.

Durham Conference 2003-Report -
Durham Conference 1999 Report.

Elevated Temperature Equipment Suppliers
Exhibition 2005 SM
Exhibition 2006 SM

Future Spring Meeting Dates

Jobs page (XRF & XRD)

Industrial Group Home Page
Index to Admin pages Administration on the navbar
Index to Miscellaneous items Group Information on the navbar
Instrument Calibration Spreadsheet Launched
IUCr Glasgow 1999 Report

Mailing list addition form
Membership scheme Join or rene w membership at group meetings
Meetings Programmes and Reports

News Latest News Bulletins

       Alun Bowen obituary
       Peter Salt obituary
       Ron Jenkins obituary

Photograph 2003 workshop
Photograph Pharmaceutical SIG Meeting 2004
Photographs Autumn Meeting 2004
Poster Prize 2005
Powder Diffraction

Round Robins
       Low Angle Round Robin Launched
       Low Angle Round Robin Presentation
       Instrument Calibration Spreadsheet Launched
       Round Robin Reports Quantitative, Intensity and Lattice Parameter

Situations Vacant - Jobs page (XRF & XRD)
Speakers Guidelines for Industrial Group meetings
Spreadsheet Library
Spring Meeting Planning Dates
Suppliers Elevated Temperature Equipment

Technical Articles Index (Hints and Tips)

Viewing Notes for IG site A description of the site layout and aims.

Web sites of the month Archive page

XRF Sessions 2005 Spring Meeting
XRF pages

Meeting Index 1995 - Now This is the best place to look for a particular meeting programme or report.
Meeting Ind ex Before 1995 Prior to 1995, this is the best place to look for a particular meeting programme or report.

Recent meetings Programmes
Recent meetings Reports
2005 - We started using individual pages for each meeting - ple ase use the links above
2004 Programmes
2004 Meeting Reports
2003 Programmes ...Forum II 2003 Meeting Reports
2002 Programmes
2002 M eeting Reports
2001 Programmes
2001 Meeting Reports
2000 Programmes
2000 Meeting Reports ...more
1999 Programmes
1999 Mee ting Reports ...more
1998 Programmes
1998 Meeting Reports
1997 Programmes
1997 Meeting Reports
1996 Programmes
1996 Meetin g Reports
1995-6 Programmes
1995-6 Meeting Reports
1990-4 Programmes
1990-94 Meeting Reports
1988-9 Programmes
1988-89 Meeting Reports
1983-8 Programmes
1986-88 Meeting Reports 1983-86 Meeting Reports

Index to newsletters
Technical Articles Index (Hints and Tips)
Round Robin reports Individual Newsletters:
2006link arrow Feb,
2005link arrow Feb, link arrow Sept,
2004link arrow Feb, link arrow Sept,
2003link arrow Feb, link arrow Sept,
2002link arrow Jan, link arrow Sept,
2001link arrow Jan, link arrow July,
2000link arrow Jan< /a>, link arrow July,
1999link arrow Jan, link arrow July,
1998link arrow Jan, link arrow July,
1997link arrow Jan, link arrow July,
1996link arrow Jan, link arrow July,
1995link arrow Jan, link arrow July,

Last updated: 04-May-2007
 up arrowReport any errors or omissions on this page to the Industrial Group Webmaster, e-mail: djtaylor@lineone.net
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