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Industrial Applications of Crystallography

The Pharmaceutical Industry

The uses of XRD in the Pharmaceutical Industry Include:

  • Small molecule single-crystal XRD to det ermine molecular structure and absolute stereochemistry
  • Powder XRD to study polymorphism and solid-state stability
  • Macromolecular crystallography to determine three-dimensional structures of biological targets and target-inhibitor complexes


A State-of-the-Art CCD Diffractometer which is used for rapid data collection on both small and macromolecular crystals

Diffractometer photograph

Single crystal X-ray structure of the monoclinc form of paracetamol

Structure for paracetamol

XRPD patterns for paracetamol

Structure of Type A Neuraminidase enzyme target with a small molecule inhibitor bound at the active site

Structural Model

Last updated 26 August 2002
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