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Industrial Applications of Crystallography

The original concept of these pages was based on a poster presented at the IUCr Congress Glasgow and the original pages are linked in the ARCHIVE below.

Now is the time to see this project evolve and grow into a window on the ever-changing industrial applications of crystallography with new and updated content.


To offer new contributions to these industrial applications, please contact the Industrial Group Web Editor


The details from the links below were first published as a poster at the IUCr Congress in Glasgow to give the world-wide community an overview of the BCA Industrial Group and Industrial Applications of Crystallography

The Industrial Group

X-ray diffraction is a versatile industrial technique with many applications as an analytical tool for research or production control.

Many industrial users of diffraction techniques are not crystallographers and rely on commercially available software and in-built control of the hardware to achieve solutions to their problems. Traditionally, if they have had contacts with other users, it has been through User Groups run by equipment manufacturers or within different branches of their own company.

The Industrial Group offers an alternative contact route. All industrial users of diffraction techniques will find that the Industrial Group's activities cover topics of interest and which are of immediate practical application.

Each year the Industrial Group organises meetings and workshops as follows:

Two half-day sessions of formal presentations of research and review papers at the BCA Spring Meeting and an Autumn Meeting usually early in November, of presentations on aspects of applied industrial crystallography.

Last updated:15-Dec-2007
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