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Industrial Applications of Crystallography

The Cable Industry

Micro XRD of Filaments in Superconducting Tapes:

  • Filaments contained within superconducting tapes are aroun d 500 microns wide and getting smaller
  • With conventional diffractometers the X-ray beam covers all the filaments in the tape simultaneously
  • Using Micro-XRD individual filaments can be analysed and phase differences identified

Microdiffractometer Instrumentation

Alongside is a Video image of superconductor tape with conducting filaments exposed by polishing the tape at an oblique angle. Each filament is about 200-500 microns thick

Picture of MicroDiffractometerVideo image of superconductor tape with conducting filaments exposed by polishing the tape at an oblique angle. Each filament is about 200-500 microns thick

Diffraction frame and integrated diffraction pattern obtained for superconductor filament after 10 minutes using 500 micron X-ray beam

Diffraction frameintegrated diffraction pattern

Last updated 26 August 2002
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