IG logo Industrial Group of the BCA

Industrial Group Committee 2008-2009

Chair Dr A M Kavanagh - Anne
Tel: 01625 517454
Email: IGChair.BCA@googlemail.com

Vice Chairman Mr R C E Morris - Richard
Tel: 07929 658852
Email: max.13@blueyonder.co.uk
www: web link

Treasurer - Dr D Beveridge - David
Tel: 01565 650000 Fax: 01565 872734
Email: david.beveridge@harmantechnology.com
Please address all official Industrial Group correspondence to:
BCA Industrial Group Treasurer, Dr David Beveridge, Brentwood, Woodford Road, Poynton, STOCKPORT, Cheshire. SK12 1EG

Secretary - Mr M Gill - Martin
Tel:020 7942 5920
Email: m.gill@nhm.ac.uk

Committee Members

Ms J Shackleton - Judith
Tel: 0161 306 3581
Email: judith.shackleton@manchester.ac.uk

Mr C R Staddon - Chris
Tel: 0115 951 5181
Email: chris.staddon@nottingham.ac.uk

Newsletter Editor Mr M A Farnworth, - Mark
Tel: 01695 54639
Email: Mark.Farnworth@pilkington.com

Dr A E Burke - Alison
Tel: 01642 376540
Email: alison_e_burke@huntsman.com

Dr V B Cooper - Brett
Email: brettcooperhome@btinternet.com

Dr M Johnson - Matthew
Email: matthew.6.johnson@gsk.com

Dr. S V Norval - Steve
Tel: 01642 435736
Email: steve.norval@intertek.com
www: web link

ICDD Representative (Ex officio) & IG Webmaster

Mr. D J Taylor - Dave
Tel: 01744 893108
Email: djtaylor@lineone.net
www: web link

Young Crystallographer Representative

Mr. J Kaniuka - John
Email: John.Kaniuka@Pilkington.com

Last updated 18-Jul-2008
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