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Industrial Applications of Crystallography

The Metals and Alloys Industry

Aircraft Manufacture

Residual Stress Measurement Around Cold-Expanded Holes in High Strength Al Alloys

  • Cold-expansion of fastener holes to enhance fatigue resistance of aircraft structural joints is now widespread
  • At present, it is difficult to predict fatigue resistance through modelling and testing is still extensively used
  • To help improve models for predicting crack growth, the induced residual stress field can be measured
  • X-ray diffraction is the ideal non-destructive method to achieve this


Experimental set-up showing a Posit ion Sensitive Detector being used to reduce data collection time. A fine collimated beam is used to enable the residual stress field to be mapped around the cold-expanded hole

Photograph of equipment

Plot showing hoop stress after cold-expansion as a function of pre-crack length in Al 7050 alloy

RS2 (0.5mm)

RS3 (1mm)

RS4 (3mm)

Stress Plot

Last updated 26 August 2002
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