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1 NAME. The Group shall be known as the "Industrial Group of the British Crystallographic Association "

2 DEFINITIONS. In these Rules:

"The Group " means the Industrial Group of the British Crystallographic Association. "The Association " means the British Crystallographic Association.

"The Council " means "The Council of the Association ".

"Members " means Ordinary and Joint Members of the Association.

3 SCOPE. The Group may interest itself in any matters concerning the introduction, development and practical application of crystallographic concepts and techniques in an Industrial or applied context relating to the structure and properties of materials.

4 OBJECTS. The objects of the Group shall be:

(a) Generally, to promote the subjects within the scope of the Group consistent with the purposes of the Association.

(b) To organise conferences and meetings on subjects within the scope of the Group.

(c) To promote liaison and interaction between the Industrial and Academic interests as represented in the Association.

(d) To include in its field of interest all techniques, processes and materials relevant to the scope of the Group.

5 MEMBERSHIP. Membership of the Group is open to Members of the Association, who may be enrolled as members of the Group on written application to the Association, subject to payment of such fees as may be from time to time imposed by the Council.

6 CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP. Any person who ceases to be a Member of the Association shall, ipso facto, cease to be a member of the Group.

7 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting of the Group shall be held in each calendar year. The Agenda for any Annual General Meeting shall be sent to all members of the Group at least two weeks before the Meeting.

8 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. An extraordinary General Meeting of the Group shall be called by the Honorary Secretary of the Group on receipt of instructions from the Committee or of a written request signed by not less than ten members of the Group, and shall take place within eight weeks of the receipt by him or her of such instructions or request if these so specify. The Agenda for any Extraordinary General Meeting shall be sent to all members of the Group at least four weeks before the meeting, and shall not contain the item "any other business ".

9 QUORUM FOR GENERAL MEETINGS. Ten members of the Group present in person shall constitute a quorum at a General Meeting.

10 OFFICERS. The Officers of the Group shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, an Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer. Only members of the Group shall be eligible to be officers of the Group.

11 COMMITTEE. The affairs of the Group shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers of the Group together with no more than six Ordinary Members of Committee. The BCA representative to the ICDD shall be a member of the committee ex officio. Additional members may be co-opted from time to time under Rule 13. The Committee shall be broadly based, with no one field, discipline or type of institution unduly favoured. Only members of the Group shall be eligible for Membership of the committee.

12 PERIOD OF OFFICE FOR OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE. Each Officer and Ordinary Member of the Committee shall retire after a maximum of three years service. No officer or Ordinary Member of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election to the same office until one year has elapsed since his or her retirement. In this section a year's service is deemed to be the period between successive AGM's.

13 CO-OPTION TO THE COMMITTEE. The Committee shall have power to co-opt to fill casual vacancies in compliance with Rule 11. In addition it may co-opt such other members not exceeding three in number as may be required from time to time, without the restrictions contained in Rules 11 and 12.

14 QUORUM FOR COMMITTEE MEETINGS. At Committee Meetings, five members of the Committee present in person shall constitute a quorum.

15 NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE. Vacancies for Officers and Ordinary Members of the Committee shall be filled by election at the Annual General Meeting of the Group. Nominations, which shall be proposed by not less than two members of the Group and shall be accompanied by (a) a brief statement demonstrating the nominee's experience in the application of crystallography to industrial research; and (b) the written consent of the nominee, shall be sent to reach the Honorary Secretary of the Group not later than seven days before the Annual General Meeting.

(a) The Committee may delegate any of their powers or functions to a subcommittee consisting of two or more Committee members, one as chair, and a small number of nominated experts. The terms of reference of any such delegated subcommittee must be recorded in the minutes.
(b) No expenditure may be incurred on behalf of the Industrial Group except in accordance with a budget previously agreed by the Committee.
(c) The Committee may revoke or alter a delegation.
(d) All acts and proceedings of any subcommittees must be reported to the Committee.


The Group representative on the Council of the Association shall be chosen annually by the Committee from amongst its members.


(a) The expense of the Group shall be defrayed out of the annual per capita payment from the Association, out of meeting fees, and out of any special grant from the Association.

(b) The amount of the annual per capita payment shall be determined by the Council after consultation with the Group Committee.

(c) The Group shall not incur any expenses in excess of a sum available under Rule 17(a) without previous authorisation by the Council.

(d) Neither the Group nor any individual or committee acting on behalf of the Group shall collect or appeal for funds for any purpose whatsoever from any individual, institution or industrial firm, except with the prior authority of the Association.

(e) The Honorary Secretary/Treasurer shall have custody of all moneys received on behalf of the Group and such moneys shall be paid into a banking account in the name of the "Industrial Group of the British Crystallographic Association ".

(f) All disbursements shall be made by the Honorary Secretary/Treasurer with the general authority of the Committee. All cheques issued by the Group shall be signed by two Officers of the Group.

19 GROUP REPORTS TO COUNCIL. Copies of the unconfirmed minutes of the Group Committee Meetings and General Meetings shall be sent to the Secretary of the Association as soon as is practicable. The Honorary Secretary/Treasurer of the Group shall also prepare an annual report of Group activities for submission to the Council.

20 SUSPENSION AND DISSOLUTION. The Association shall have power to suspend or dissolve the Group after consultation with the Committee of the Group. All books, papers and other records of the suspended or dissolved Group shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Association. Any unexpended balance of funds shall be delivered to the Treasurer of the Association.


(a) These rules have received the approval of the Council of the Association. Any amendments to these rules shall not operate unless and until they have been adopted by a General Meeting of the Group and have received the approval of the Council of the Association. Motions to amend these rules at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be in order only if the nature of the proposed amendments is stated explicitly on the Agenda Paper.

(b) The Group shall be subject in all things to the Statutes and By Laws of the Association.

Last updated 12-April-2008 following changes to sections 10, 12, 13, the addition of 16 and the original 16-20 renumbered 17-21 as agreed at the 2008 AGM and approved by BCA Council.
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