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Industrial Group meetings in 2003Meetings listed in this file are:
There is considerable overlap with the Groups at this meeting and it important that you review the full programme. This section is devoted entirely to content for which the Industrial Group is solely responsible. BCA Spring Meeting 2003.University of York, 15-17 April 2003Industrial Group HighlightsThe IG has put together a comprehensive programme based on
membership feedback in our recent survey. You need to check out the BCA meeting pages for details of the full programme. IG highlights Timetable (PDF) With IG details highlighted in the full meeting programme.
A Suggested ItineraryTuesday 15th April 2003 13:30 - 15:00 Plenary Session: 15:30 - 16:00 IG Oral Poster Session 16:05 - 17:45 Introduction to Powder Diffraction Evening - 19:00 Posters and Exhibition. Wednesday 16th April 2003 Morning 8:30 - 10:00 Workshop: Phase Identification Principles 10:30 - 12:00 Parallel Session : "High Throughput, Databases and Data Mining in Chemistry and Industry" Afternoon13:00-14:30 and 15:30-16:30 - Workshop: Phase Identification Practice - including hands on PC session 14:30 - 15:00 Industrial Group AGM Evening - 19:30 Conference Dinner Thursday 17th April 2003 All Day Sessions - Quantitative Phase Analysis Jeremy Cockcroft - Quantitative Phase Analysis using Rietveld Methods
The afternoon will be devoted to discussion of the Quantitative Round Robin exercise Individual Session Details FollowWorkshop - Phase IdentificationPrincipal Instructor: John Faber ICDD Organisers: Judith Shackleton & Dave Taylor Session 1: Tuesday 16:05 - 17:45 Introduction to Powder Diffraction Powder Diffraction is a widely used technique for identifying and quantifying phases of polycrystalline materials in industry and academe. This session introduces the Phase Identification and Quantitative workshops by explaining some of the fundamentals of the technique so that those who are not fully versed in the method will gain the necessary background to get maximum benefit from the following sessions. Even the more experienced will find this session useful - there is always something new to pick up from the expertise of our world renowned instructor! Session 2: Wednesday 08:30 - 10:00 Phase Identification Principals This break allows delegates to attend a relevant session on Databases & Data Mining Session 3: Wednesday 13:00 - 14:30 Phase Identification in Practice Session 4: Wednesday 15:30 - 16:30 Phase Identification worked examples on PC's This modular workshop spanning the first two days of the Spring Meeting has emphasis placed on the practical use of powder diffraction phase identification. The modules are linked to give a good grounding in best practice for phase identification and are suitable for both novice and experienced practitioners. You can choose to attend any of the modules that fit into your meeting schedule. For those who attend all the sessions an optional certificate of attendance is available for your professional development file. The purpose of this workshop is to build proficiency in the interpretation of experimental powder data, especially in the application of the Powder Diffraction File (PDF) and new relational databases.
Hands on work sessions will allow you to become familiar with the application of both printed and computer media to phase identification. For further information, please contact Parallel Session : "High Throughput, Databases and Data Mining in Chemistry and Industry"Wednesday 16 April 10:30 - 12:00 10:30 David Rendle - (The Forensic Science Service, London
Lab.) 11:00 Richard Storey - (Pfizer) 11:30 Mariette Hellenbrandt - (FIZ Karlsruhe) Workshop - Quantitative Phase Analysis08:30 - 12:00 17th April 2003 08:30 Quantitative Phase Analysis using Rietveld
Methods 09:15 Quantitative Phase Analysis using Classical PXRD
Methods Powder X-Ray diffraction (PXRD) can be used to quantify the phase content of a crystalline mixture. Here the methods and limitations of the technique will be described with particular reference to pharmaceutical materials. 10:00 Coffee 10:30 Quantitative Analysis with Amorphous
Materials 11:00 Quantifying Crystalline Phases by Vibrational
Spectroscopy Vibrational spectroscopy (infrared and Raman) may be used to identify and characterise mixtures of crystalline forms. This talk will give an overview of the techniques, their applicability to quantitative analysis, and experimental applications. 11:30 NMR analysis of the structure and composition of
organic solids. This talk will give an overview of how cross-polarization magic-angle spinning NMR is used to determine the crystallographic and chemical purity of small molecules in the solid state. Also an illustration will be given of how solid-state NMR can contribute to structure solution from powders, and also of a new NMR approach for following the structural rearrangements of molecules during crystallisation. Workshop - Quantitative Round Robin13:30 - 15:00 17th April 2003 The afternoon will be devoted to discussion of the Quantitative Round Robin exercise. Dr J.K.Cockcroft for the inorganic sample (a mixture of Rutile and Anatase TiO2) and Prof. C. S. Frampton for the organic sample (mixture of paracetamol and lactose). More details soon! Industrial Group PostersPosters are invited for display at the Spring Meeting. As an extra incentive to your participation, in addition to the acclaim that your poster will no doubt bring, the Industrial Group are offering a magnificent prize of £50 for best poster. Some guidelines follow for what we would prefer to see in our posters and our adjudicators will work from these. Posters are encouraged that:
There will be an opportunity to give a brief oral presentation of the content of each poster. For more information, contact: Industrial Group AGMThe 20th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Industrial Group will be held at the University of York at 14:30 on 16thApril 2003 Nominations are sought for Secretary/Treasurer and four committee member to serve for three years from April 2003. Nominations, which shall be proposed by not less than two members of the Group and shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee, shall be sent to reach the Honorary Secretary of the Group not later than seven days before the Annual General Meeting. Contact the Secretary/Treasurer |