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Industrial Group Awards

The Industrial Group makes an award to suitable UK crystallographers working in industry or in academic institutions. The Award is given in recognition of a sustained contribution to industrial crystallography including crystallographic and diffraction work of all kinds.

From this page you can find out how to nominate the next winner or read about past winners in the list below:

Winners in alphabetical order of surname

The list allows you to look at the photographs of some of the award ceremonies and the Industrial Group chairman at the time of the award
  • 1993 Colin Baxter
  • 1996 Brian Bellamy
  • 1996 Alun Bowen (posthumous award accepted by his wife and surviving daughter)
  • 1993 Colin Dineen
  • 2000 David Dyson
  • 2006 Paul Fewster
  • 2002 Jo Jutson
  • 2001 Ian Langford
  • 1999 David Rendle
  • 1995 Peter Salt
  • 2003 Colin Small
  • 1991 Dermott Wood

Last updated 24-August-2006
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