IG logo Industrial Group Award

Call for Nominations

It is the intention of the BCA Industrial grou p to make an Industrial Crystallography Award to suitable UK crystallographers working in industry or in academic institutions. The Award will be given in recognition of a sustained contribution to industrial crystallography including crystallographic and diffraction work of all kinds. You may want to look at our list of previous winners for guidance in nominating another winner.

The Committee of the Industrial group will make the final decision concerning the Industrial crystallography Award. They intend the Award to take a form that fittingly marks the contribution made by the recipient.

Nominations for this Award are invited now and should be sent to the Secretary of the Industrial group at the address linked below. Besides the name and affiliation of the person proposed, nominations should state briefly why she or he merits the Award, giving a brief account (ideally not more than one sheet of A4) of her or his crystallographic work and its in dustrial significance. If desired, the proposer may suggest the form which the award should take.

Industrial Group Secretary/Treasurer

Last updated 26 August 2002
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