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Practical Guidelines for Presentations by Commercial Suppliers at BCA Meetings

Commercial suppliers of hardware, software and services are vitally important to crystallography practitioners. Users and suppliers are all part of a commercial chain of co-operation. It is therefore important that we institute minimum practical gui delines that balance the need to demonstrate that there has been no unfair bias in selecting meeting participants against the need of BCA members to access current commercial information. To that end the following guidelines should apply to all presentations by commercial suppliers:

  1. In any meeting of the BCA or of its subsidiary groups reasonable measures should be taken by the organisers to ensure that commercial suppliers do not gain unfair advantage over the competitors by invited or offered presentations.
  2. If it is intended to include direct description or comparison of commercial products in a session, there should be a "Call for papers" publicly (Crystallography News and/or group newsletters) or by direct correspondence with those known to have an interest. The level of response to such invitations should primarily be controlled by definition of the session topic(s). Discretion must be retained by the session organiser and BCA or group committees to judge the ap propriateness of contributions and the programme timing. If there is a commercial exhibition associated with the meeting, participants should normally also be exhibitors.
  3. In other (normal) scientific sessions, suppliers' representatives should continue to participate where relevant to the topic without the restriction of (2) above. However they should first agree that there would be no direct commercial exploitation of the presentation e.g. comparisons with competitors' wares or listing t he virtues of their own product.

Address any comments on these guidelines to the Industrial Group Secretary/Treasurer ,

Last updated 26 August 2002
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