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2004 Manchester Spring Meeting

Some Photographs from the meeting.

poster prize photo (33K)

Luciana de Matos (University of Bradford) receiving the 2004 Industrial Group Poster prize from the new Chair of the group Jeremy CockCroft.

Instrument Calibration speakers photo (30K)

Speakers from the Instrument Calibration session. From left to right: David Beveridge, Steve Norval, Judith Shackleton, Martin Vickers, Dave Taylor, Jim Kaduk, Manfred Kriechbaum and session chair Jeremy Cockcroft.

Catalysis in Industry speakers photo (48K)

Speakers from the Catalysis in Industry session. From left to right: Steve Norval, Justin Hargreaves and Tim Hyde.

Small angle Scattering speakers photo (40K)

Some Speakers from the Small Angle Scattering sessions - From left to right: Andrew Harrison, Richard Heenan, Richard Morris, Mary Vickers, Peter Laity, Mark Farnworth and Manfred Kriechbaum.

Last updated 19-July-2004
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