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Please visit our NEW dedicated XRF pages.>>>Click here<<< XRF Sessions at the 2005 Spring MeetingLoughborough, 12-14 April 2005Latest News: IntroductionThe BCA is pleased to announce the introduction of parallel X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) sessions to run alongside the usual crystallography content. XRF has been introduced after discussion with exhibitors and will be organised by the Industrial Group. This will provide a much needed forum for users of all manufacturers XRF equipment and will cover both energy dispersive (EDXRF) and wavelength dispersive (WDXRF). The scope of the commercial exhibition is extended to include XRF equipment and supplies. Call for PapersThe meeting programme is now finalised, but there is still a chance to contribute in the Awkward Samples Workshop. PostersXRF posters are invited for display at the Spring Meeting (deadline 18th February). There will be a dedicated area for XRF posters within the Industrial Group posters. As an extra incentive to your participation, in addition to the acclaim that your poster will no doubt bring, the Industrial Group are offering a magnificent prize of £50 and a bottle of Champagne for best XRF or XRD poster. Some guidelines follow for what we would prefer to see in our
posters and our adjudicators will work from these. To submit your poster see abstracts below. AbstractsThe deadline for abstract submission (oral and poster) is 18th February. For details and to view abstracts nearer the meeting please visit the abstract site. Please tell your friends and colleagues!Please help us to spread the word about the XRF content at the 2005 Spring meeting by letting your friends and colleagues know. The XRF community is not covered by our current mailing list so we do need your help! Register your interestRegister your interest in the XRF sessions and you will be given a unique code to cover the �25 BCA non- member registration surcharge! Meeting RegistrationNOTE: See Register your interest above. Day registration is only �65 if you book early and 3 days fully inclusive of registration, meals, two nights basic accommodation and conference dinner is less than � 240. Fully inclusive rates are available for less than �155 for students and �200 other concessions. Download a XRF Session Overview
Contact details for David Beveridge and Dave Taylor. Individual Session Details.Tuesday 12th April 2005IG PlenaryXRD,XRF and in-situ investigations on anhydrous and hydrous cementious materials - Some examples. Herbert Pöllmann, Halle Univ. Germany. 15:30-18:00 XRF Exhibitors Session. Chairs David Beveridge, ILFORD Imaging UK Ltd and Dave Taylor, BCA.15:30 Introducing XRF - what is it and what can it do? Dave Taylor, BCA. 16:00 What XRF for which Job? Phil Russell, PANalytical 16:30 Exhibitor presentations: Short commercial presentations by exhibitors will give delegates a chance of updating their product knowledge and prioritise their visits in the exhibition. Confirmed Exhibitors - (Information for exhibitors.) Contact: Dave Taylor Evening: Poster and Exhibition session with buffet and wine. Wednesday 13th April 200508:30-10:00 Liquid samples. Chair David Beveridge, ILFORD Imaging UK Ltd08:30 Overcoming cobalt interference in sulphur analysis. Si�n Shore, Shell Global Solutions. 08:50 Ultra Carry filter, allowing ppb detection levels by WDXRF. Al Martin, RigakuMSC. 09:10 Film 2005. A review of thin films used in XRF Analysis of Liquid Samples. Gaetan Deshais, BrukerAXS. 09:30 Using Activated Alumina for Heavy Metal Contaminants Analysis. Steve Davies, PANalytical. 10:30 - 12:00 WORKSHOP - Awkward Samples. Chair David Beveridge, ILFORD Imaging UK LtdWe need your input for this session! 13:00 - 14:30 WDXRF Applications. Chair Mark Ingham, British Geological Survey.13:00 Keeping it Clean, Margaret West, West X-ray Solutions Ltd. 13:30 Determination of sulphur and chlorine in organic compounds by XRF. David Beveridge, ILFORD Imaging UK Ltd 14:00 Fusion for better analytical results in XRF analysis. Michel A. J. Davidts, Socachim-XRF Scientific 15:00 - 16:30 WDXRF continued and Light Element Analysis. (Li-F or λ >1.3nm).Chair Margaret West, West X-ray Solutions Ltd.15:00 Fusion technology for XRF Sample preparation. Rainer Schramm, FLUXANA. 15:20 Light Element Analysis - the benefits of using a 30 micron tube window for B - O. Al Martin, RigakuMSC. 15:40 Status of WDXRF in Ceramic Analysis. Graham Oliver, CTE, Ceram. 16:10 Close. Thursday 14th April 200508:30 - 10:00 Standards & Calibration. Chair Dave Taylor, BCA.08:30 Setting the Standards for Calibrations. Margaret West, West X-ray Solutions Ltd. 09:00 An improved analytical methodology using synthetic standards, fused beads and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for cements and associated materials. Neil Eatherington, British Geological Survey. 09:30 Use of disparate materials for the calibration of an EDXRF spectrometer for the analysis of waste packaging material, Ken Field, Oxford Instruments Analytical. 10:30 - 12:00 EDXRF - Applications. Chair Graham Oliver, CTE, Ceram.10:30 How does mobile XRFS measure up to contaminated land assessment? Mark Ingham, British Geological Survey. 11:00 Field Portable XRF for On-site Screening and Analysis of Prohibited Substances in Plastics. Stanislaw Piorek, R&D Niton, LLC 11:20 EDXRF applications in the pharmaceutical industry. Martin J Teasdale, GlaxoSmithKline 11:40 Micro-EDXRF and its applications - non-destructive elemental mapping. Simon Fitzgerald, HORIBA Jobin Yvon Ltd. 13:00 - 15:00 Combined XRF/XRD applications. Chairs David Beveridge, ILFORD Imaging UK Ltd & Dave Taylor, BCA.This session is for applications where the combined power of XRF and XRD is needed to resolve materials science applications and will be of interest to all Industrial Group members. 13:00 Combining XRF, powder XRD and structural modelling techniques: application to plastic clays and kaolins. Noel Thomas, WBB Minerals, Germany. 13:30 XRD and XRF Studies on GaMnAs Thin Films. Chris Staddon, University of Nottingham. 14:00 Discussion Forum - We will wind up the programme with an informal discussion session which will allow you to ask all the questions that haven't been answered so far in the sessions. Finally, we will seek your views on the future of XRF within the BCA. 15:00 Close. Contact details: David Beveridge: Tel: 01565 650000 Fax: 01565 872734 Email: david.beveridge@ilford.com Dave Taylor: Tel: 01744 893108 Email: djtaylor@lineone.net |