IG logo Industrial Group of the BCA

Industrial Group
Round Robin Reports

Reports in this section:

2005 Low Angle Round Robin

This round robin excercise is on-going. You can view a preliminary report.
You can also view the background information for participants.

2003 Quantitative Analysis Round Robin

As part of its involvement in the BCA Spring Meeting 2003 at York, the Industrial Group of the BCA organised a Round Robin Quantitative Analysis competition involving an inorganic (mineral) and an organic (pharmaceutical) sample. The mineral sample supplied was a titanium dioxide sample containing a mixture of rutile and anatase, while the pharmaceutical sample contained a mixture of lactose and paracetamol. The Industrial group of the BCA thanks Huntsman Tioxide for the provision of the mineral sample used in this round robin competition.

All submitted results have been kept anonymous, but a prize of a bottle of champagne was awarded for the quantitative analysis result for the person (or team) who obtained the best (closest) result for each sample.

For the titanium dioxide mineral, a large single sample was sent of the mixed-phase system. For the pharmaceutical, small (pill-sized quantities) samples of both the mixture and individual components were sent.


Titanium Dioxide Mineral
Laboratory No. Rutile Anatase
1 98.90 1.10
2 99.15 0.85
3 99.30 1.50
4 99.16 0.84
5 - -
6 99.20 0.80
7 - -
8 99.55 0.45
9 98.80 1.20
Standard Values 99.16 0.84

In a close run thing the winner was laboratory number 4 whose results were spot on!

Pharmaceutical Compound
Laboratory No. Lactose Paracetamol
1 - -
2 83.20 16.80
3 - -
4 93.20 6.80
5 84.20 15.80
6 80.50 19.50
7 85.20 14.80
8 - -
9 - -
10 86.10 13.90
Standard Values 84.92 15.08

Laboratory 5 not quite good enough and was beaten by Laboratory 7

Many thanks to all who took part and hopefully the workshop in York provided the key to improvement for those who were wide of the mark.

UK Instrument Sensitivity (Intensity) Round Robin.

This report is available as a 224kb .PDF file to download and print. For further information please contact the author: [email protected]

Routines and spreadsheets are available to perform the Round Robin tests on your own equipment. Details and downloads are available in a selftest guide.

Dave Taylor

A Summary of a "Round-robin" exercise comparing the output of computer programs for lattice parameter refinement and calculation.

       E H Kelly 


       The Electricity Council Research Centre



       CH1 6ES

Transcribed from Eric Kelly's original published in late 1980's by D J Taylor [email protected] in the year 2000.
(I apologise for any transcription errors I may have introduced!)
NOTE: Address information quoted is that at the time of the measurements please address any inquiries to Dave Taylor who will attempt to put you in touch with any of the participants.

T here are several parts to this report:


Mathematics may be compared to a mill of exquisite workmanship, which grinds you stuff of any degree of fineness: but, nevertheless, what you get out depends upon what you put in: and as the grandest mill in the world will not extract wheat-flour from peas-cod. so pages of formulae will not get a definite result out of loose data.

T H Huxley
Discourses.Biologica1 and Geological Essays 1909

The agreement among laboratories was about 1 part in 10,000: this includes random and systematic errors. This is much lower than the precision generally reported by the individual laboratories and often claimed in the literature.

W Parrish
Results of the I.U.Cr. precision
lattice-parameter project
Acta Cryst. 3. 838. (1960)

1. The round-robin exercise.

The Industrial Group of the British Crystallographic Association held a Specialist Interest Workshop on Computer Programs for Powder Diffraction Problems on October 9 1986. During the meeting, it became apparent that there were a number of computer programs being used for lattice parameter calculation and refinement. It was felt that it would be both useful and interesting to set up a "round robin" exercise to compare the output from some of these programs to see whether they all produced similar answers.

Four sets of data were circulated, in March 1987,to BCA members who had expressed their intention to participate. The four sets of data are reproduced at the end of this note. The data were obtained as follows:

Example 1. Guinier focusing camera data, as published (Reference 1, example 1 and Reference 2) and used with permission. The compound was a polynuclear uranyl nitrate of formula [(UO2)6(OH)12(H2O)](NO3)2.xH2O where x was about 6. This data was selected as being of high quality: further, it had already been used in the development of a program for the evaluation of X-ray powder measurements.

Example 2, Diffractometric data from "Specpure" rolled copper sheet, collected at ECRC. The material had strong preferred orientation.

Example 3. Diffractometric data from "Puratronic" calcium tungstate, CaWO4 , collected at ECRC.

Example 4. Photographic data, as published, (Reference 1, example 3) and used with permission.

This example was selected as typical of that which may be obtained in industrial research: it was a complex pattern, not of the highest quality. The compound was hafnia, HfO2

The tables circulated were produced to conform with the suggestions of NBS Monograph 25, using the ECRC implementation of the computer program NBS*EXAIDS83 (Reference 3). Participants were left free to use as much, or as little, of the data as they wished, or their system required. No suggestions were offered on philosophical aspects, such as whether peak positions or d-spacings were to he treated as the raw data.

2. The responses.

For each example, a table of reported results is included with this note. Several participants supplied many more results than are included here: the results from up to fourteen computer runs coming from individual laboratories. Where the information was supplied, the tables of results include a note of the extrapolation function(s) employed and whether two-theta or d-spacing information was treated as raw data.

One participant used a suite of programs which, inter-alia, suggested an alternative unit-cell for Example 1. This alternative is not included in the results tabulated, but did lead to an interesting observation. (see later.)

3. Some observations.

The programs used by one participant resulted in refinement in terms of an alternative unit cell. The resultant parameters, when transposed to the reduced unit, agreed closely with the results of other participants. As an experiment, the alternative unit cell suggested for Example 1 was used as input data for the ECRC implementation of FIRESTAR and NBS*EXAIDS83: the former program failed to produce a result whilst the latter produced a solution for which the figures of merit (both de Wolff and Smith & Snyder) were closely similar to those obtained for the data circulated. One might conclude that the programs should not be treated in "black-box" fashion but should be supplied with appropriate data only.

One participant, using an integrated system supplied by a diffractometer manufacturer, reported that different results were obtained when the data were entered interactively at the terminal and when the data were read from stored disc files.

Where the user has such control, compiler options should be chosen with care. For example, the Prime computer system normally stores numbers with truncation, rather than rounding. A compiler option allows for rounding: with this option in force results obtained were identical with either single or double precision compilation. Of course, this may reflect good programming practice, where appropriate variables have been declared as double precision. Detailed checking of program code has not been undertaken. Since some of the programs under consideration involve subtraction of small numbers, where data processing is least accurate, use of inappropriate compilation may be a significant source of possible error.

Not all participants used the most appropriate extrapolation function for each example. The tables of results include a note of the function(s) employed, where the information was supplied.

Whilst this small survey cannot suggest a "best-buy", it is perhaps worth noting that, of the three programs used at ECRC during this survey, the program "FIRESTAR" is the most user-friendly. Data are input in free format and the program does not need an initial guess at the lattice parameters. However, the data must be fully indexed.

The program numbered 12 (or 11) is reasonably user-friendly, but requires fixed-format input, which must be fully indexed. Variations as large as 10% in the initial parameters given cause no significant changes in the refined cell parameters.

The program NBS*EXAIDS83 is the most comprehensive of these three: considerable study of the User Manual is necessary. The program will index an unknown pattern, provided that the symmetry is known. However, the final refined cell parameters are very dependent upon the initial estimates input: small changes in the estimates lead to rejection of reflections so that refinement occurs in terms of too small a proportion of the data input.

4. Acknowledgements.

Thanks are due to the participants in this survey, all of whom took much time and trouble in processing the data. Many wrote letters of explanation and observation and some have made source code of their programs available. My thanks to you all.

Dr J A C Marples kindly provided the identity of the compound used for the data in Example 1. (Reference 2) The pattern is not included in the JCPDS files, nor in Determinative Tables.

My thanks are due to a number of colleagues at Capenhurst, particularly in the Theoretical Section, for their help and patience.

Finally, it is inevitable that there will be transcription errors in so many tables of numbers. My apologies to any who feel maligned - the responsibility for errors is mine.

5. References.

1.     FIRESTAR-2.

A computer program for the evaluation of x-ray

 powder measurements  and the  derivation of 

crystal lattice parameters.

I.   F.   Ferguson et al.

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

Northern Division Report ND-R-909(S)

H.  M.  Stationery Office, February 1987.

2.   The preparation and properties of a polynuclear

 uranyl nitrate.

J.  L.  Woodhead et al.

J.  inorg.  nucl.  Chem.  28. 21752185, (1966).


A FORTRAN program for Crystallographic Data Evaluation.

A.  D.  Mighell et al.

National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 1141.

April 1981.

4.  Indexing and Least-Squares Refinement of Powder 

Diffraction Data.

D.  E.  Appleman et al.

NTIS PB-216 188/USGS-GD-73-003

February 1973.

List of participants.

Mr B A Bellamy    Harwell Laboratory

   United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

   Oxford OX11 ORA.


Dr J  Chisholm

   Mineralogy Department

   British Museum (Natural History)

   London SW7 5BD.

Mr J L C Daams   Philips Research Laboratories

   PO Box 80000

   5600 JA Eindhoven

   The Netherlands.

Dr P  Holdway    Materials & Structures Department

   Royal Aircraft Establishment


Mr E H Kelly      The Electricity Council Research Centre


   Chester CH1 6ES.

Dr J I Langford   Department of Physics

   The University of Birmingham

   PO Box 363

   Birmingham B15 2TT

Dr R Nicholls   Pye Unicam Ltd.

   York Street

   Cambridge CB1 2PX.

Mr T Ruben   Cookson Group plc Central Research

   7 Wadsworth Road


   Greenford UB6 7JQ.

Miss J Shackleton   Springfields Nuclear Power Development Laboratories

   United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority



   Preston PR4 ORR.

List of programs used etc.

1.  FIRESTAR     -results as reported in Reference 1. FORTRAN77

2.  FIRESTAR    -running on ECRC Prime computer.

   -Compiled with single precision, normal truncation

2a. FIRESTAR    -running on ECRC Prime computer.

   Compiled with single precision, with rounding

3.  FIRESTAR    -running on VAX 11/780.

4.  NBS*EXAIDS83   -running on ECRC Prime computer. FORTRAN77.

   Compiled with double precision.

5.  "In-house" program, in FORTRAN.

         Compiled with single precision.

6.  "In-house" program in Hewlett-Packard BASIC.

   "Full precision" (12 significant figures.)

7.  Philips' APD system. Written in PASCAL. running

   on PDP11/23 under RSX11.

8.  Philips' proprietary program. Written in ALGOL 60.

   Running with double precision.

9   Philips' APD system.

9a  Siemens' APPLE program: part of the DIFFRAC package.

10. Siemens' APPLE program: part of the DIFFRAC package.

   Running on a DEC Micro-PDP11/23.

11. "In-house", public domain program. Written in FORTRAN77.

   Compiled with double precision.  IBM system

12. Same program as 11, running on ECRC Prime computer.

   Compiled with double precision.

NOTE   The Siemens' APPLE program was originally

   published by  the  U.S.   Geological Survey

   (Reference 4.)

   Use of the same code in NBS*EXAIDS83 is

         acknowledged in the user manual supplied.

Results reported for Example 1 - triclinic.

Where reported, estimated standard deviations are given.

     a         b        c     alpha    beta   gamma   comment   

1   11.2541   13.5573   8.0082  116.274  91.351 106.925  N/R d NB twice the s.d.   

     0.0086    0.0094   0.0057    0.045   0.035   0.036    

2   11.2524   13.5554   8.0074  116.272  91.348 106.923  N/R d NB twice the s.d.  

     0.0092    0.0100   0.0059    0.047   0.036   0.037   


2a  11.2520   13.5549   8.0072  116.273  91.348 106.923  N/R  d   

3   11.2574   13.5601   8.0091  116.263  91.357 106.923  N/R d NB twice the s.d. 

     0.0092    0.0103   0.0060    0.047   0.040   0.044 


3a  11.2564   13.5599   8.0087  116.265  91.356 106.930  N/R d NB twice the s.d.  

     0.0085    0.0095   0.0056    0.044   0.037   0.041    

4   11.2690   13.5732   8.0155  116.263  91.361 106.921  1.sq. d   

     0.0028    0.0022   0.0013    0.014   0.018   0.018  


5   11.25688  13.56037  8.00903 116.264  91.356 106.932  N/R d   

     0.00464   0.00505  0.00299   0.025   0.020   0.022 


5a  11.25686  13.56034  8.00902 116.264  91.356 106.932  Roberts d   

     0.00466   0.00507  0.00301   0.025   0.020   0.022 


6    program does not accommodate triclinic case   

7   11.26560  13.57650  8.01660 116.261  91.368 106.908  l.sq. 2th   

8   11.2719   13.5806   8.0287  116.24   91.39  106.91   l.sq.   

9   11.25468  13.55875  8.00778 116.265  91.365 106.916  l.sq. 2th   

9a  11.26697  13.57337  8.01583 116.262  91.365 106.925  l.sq. 2th   

     0.00166   0.00203  0.00104   0.012   0.013   0.014  


10  11.26874  13.57275  8.01623 116.262  91.385 106.901  l.sq. 2th   

     0.00191   0.00201  0.00119   0.016   0.016   0.021 


10a 11.26788  13.57365  8.01721 116.271  91.385 106.907  1.sq. d 

     0.00222   0.00209  0.00128   0.013   0.016   0.016   

11  11.2647   13.5703   8.0146  116.263  91.356 106.930  Roberts d  

     0.0012    0.0016   0.0008    0.009   0.009   0.010 


12   11.2647  13.5703   8.0146  116.263  91.356 106.930  Roberts d   

      0.0012   0.0016   0.0008    0.009   0.009   0.010   

Results reported for Example 2 - cubic

Where reported, estimated standard deviations are given.



2     3.6116    0.0005    Roberts 2th twice the s.d. 


2a    3.6116    0.0005           --do--   

3     3.6115    0.0008    N/R 2th twice the s.d.


3a    3.6145    0.0007    N/R d twice the s.d.   

4     3.6145    0.00019   1. sq. 2th.   

5     3.61150   0.00036   N/R   

5a    3.61151   0.00036   Roberts   

6     3.6116    0.0002    1.sq.   

7     3.61408             1.sq.   

8     3.6116              1.sq.   

9     3.61160             1.sq. 2th   

9a    3.61156   0.00021   1.sq. 2th   

10    3.61431   0.00026   1.sq. 2th   

10a   3.61431   0.00024   1.sq. d   

11    3.61140   0.00026   Roberts   

12    3.61140   0.00026   Roberts   

Results for Example 3 - tetragonal

where reported, estimated standard deviations are given.

        a         c      

1     -         -      

2     5.2373   11.3829     Roberts  2th   

      0.0007    0.0034     NE twice the s.d.   

2a    5.2473   11.3829     Roberts  2th   

      0.0007    0.0034     NE twice the s.d.   

3     5.2374   11.3622     N/R      2th   

      0.0015    0.0036     NE twice the s.d..   

3a    5.2416   11.3716     N/R     d   

      0.0015    0.0035     NE twice the s.d..   

4     5.2441   11.3750     l.sq 2th   

      0.00003   0.0016      

5     5.23750  11.36228    N/R   

      0.00074   0.00177      

5a    5.23742  11.36212    Roberts   

      0.00076   0.00181      

6     5.2384   11.3651     l.sq   

      0.0005    0.0014      

7     5.23650  11.36290    l.sq.(max. number of singly explained lines)   

8     5.2369   11.3610     l.sq.   

9     5.23641  11.36155    l.sq.     2th   

9a    5.23860  11.36481    l.sq.     2th   

      0.00043  0.00138      

10    5.23777  11.36656    l.sq.     2th   

      0.00019   0.00048      

10a   5.24212  11.37605    l.sq.     d   

      0.00020   0.00050      

11    5.2382   11.3637     Roberts   2th   

      0.0003    0.0009      

12    5.2381   11.3637     Roberts   2th   

      0.0003    0.0009      

Results for Example 4 - monoclinic.

Where reported, estimated standard deviations are given.

      a        b         c       beta      

1   5.1184    5.1823    5.2875   99.314   N/R film measurements

    0.0037    0.0030    0.0032    0.045   NB twice the standard devn. 


2   5.1150    5.1813    5.2895   99.286   N/R d NE twice the s.d.  

    0.0056    0.0049    0.0041    0.069   

2a  5.1150    5.1813    5.2895   99.286   N/R d NS twice the s.d. 

    0.0056    0.0049    0.0041    0.069  


3   5.1182    5.1803    5.2871   99.315   N/R 2th NE twice the s.d. 

    0.0036    0.0029    0.0032    0.043   

3a  5.1168    5.1803    5.2871   99.313   N/R d NE twice the s.d.

    0.0041    0.0034    0.0035    0.048   

4   5.1068    5.1764    5.2819   99.248   l.sq.  d 

    0.0036    0.0018    0.0020    0.037   

5   5.11764   5.18300   5.29013  99.3078  N/R  

    0.00274   0.00217   0.00228   0.0330   

5a  5.11801   5.18333   5.29048  99.3083  Roberts   

    0.00279   0.00221   0.00232   0.0329  


6   5.1092    5.1778    5.2799   99.233   l.sq   

    0.0043    0.0019    0.0020    0.040 


7   5.11898   5.17193   5.28205  99.358   1.sq  


8   5.1217()  5.1816    5.2862(a)99.261   l.sq. a & c reported reversed  


9   5.12014   5.18143   5.28555  99.247   l.sq.  2th  


9a  5.11185   5.17722   5.28503  99.301   l.sq.  2th  


10  5.11195   5.17722   5.27969  99.220   l.sq.  2th   

    0.00296   0.00181   0.00200   0.039 

10a 5.10904   5.17374   5.28123  99.353   l.sq.  d   

    0.00263   0.00159   0.00180   0.039 

11  5.1130    5.1792    5.2857   99.30    N/R 

    0.0021    0.0017    0.0017    0.03


12   5.1130   5.1792    5.2857   99.295   N/R   

     0.0021   0.0017    0.0017    0.029  

Example 1. 

 Triclinic material, no intensities, wavelength 1.54056

Nominal cell constants:   a 11.25 alpha 116.00

b 13.60 beta   91.50

c  8.00 gamma 107.00


d-spacing    intensity    h    k    l   Observed 2-theta   

11.45              0      0    1    0   7.712   

10.62              0      1    0    0   8.320   

9.550              0     -1    1    0   9.250   

7.904              0      0   -1    1   11.184   

7.078              0      0    0    1   12.495   


6.740              0      1    1    0   13.125   

6.443              0      1   -1    1   13.733   

6.248              0     -1   -1    1   14.162   

6.059              0      0   -2    0   14.607   

5.955              0     -1    2    0   14.865   


5.794              0      1   -2    1   15.281   

5.732              0      0    2    0   15.445   

5.581              0     -2    1    0   15.857   

5.456              0      1    0    1   16.233   

5.307              0      2    0    0   16.691   


5.143              0     -1    1    1   17.227   

5.055              0      0    1    1   17.529   

4.855              0     -1   -2    1   18.259   

4.777              0     -2    2    0   18.557   

4.661              0     -2    0    1   19.025   


4.464              0      2   -2    1   19.871   

4.442              0      1   -3    0   19.971   

4.293              0      2    1    0   20.671   

4.139              0      1    1    1   21.453   

4.055              0     -1    3    0   21.903   


3.943              0      0   -1    2   22.533   

3.920              0      2    0    1   22.663   

3.906              0      2   -3    1   22.749   

3.821              0      0    3    0   23.261   

3.800              0     -1   -1    2   23.393   


3.754              0      3   -1    0   23.683   

3.744              0      1   -2    2   23.743   

3.686              0      0    2    1   24.123   

3.664              0     -1   -2    1   24.273   

3.640              0     -2   -2    1   24.431   


3.599              0      1   -1    2   24.717   

3.590              0     -2    2    1   24.781   

3.558              0      0   -3    2   25.003   

3.549              0     -1    0    2   25.069   

3.534              0      3    0    0   25.179   


3.521              0      1   -3    2   25.275   

3.391              0      1   -4    1   26.257   

3.367              0      3   -2    1   26.453   

3.295              0     -2   -1    2   27.041   

3.268              0      3   -1    1   27.267   

Example 2.

  Cubic material, with intensities, wavelength 1.54056

Diffractometer data.

Nominal cell constant : a 3.60

d-spacing       intensity   h   k   l   Observed 2-theta   

2.088            16         1   1   1   43.34   

1.808           100         2   0   0   50.47   

1.2773           46         2   2   0   74.25   

1.0896           29         3   1   1   90.07   

1.0436            9         2   2   2   95.24   

0.9035           12         4   0   0   117.14   

0.8292           12         3   3   1   136.78   

0.8083           14         4   2   0   145.01   

Example 3.

  Tetragonal material, with intensities, wavelength 1.54056

Diffractometer data.

Nominal cell constants:    a  5.24

c  11.37

d-spacing intensity   h   k   l   Observed 2-theta   

4.772        116      1   O   1   18.594   

3.105        503      1   1   2   28.748   

2.845         74      O   0   4   31.449   

2.623         77      2   O   O   34.180   

2.383          3      2   O   2   37.755   


2.296         66      2   1   1   39.238   

2.257         12      1   1   4   39.953   

2.087         20      1   O   5   43.352   

1.995         43      2   1   3   45.464   

1.9275       142      2   0   4   47.151   


1.8536        53      2   2   0   49.152   

1.7271         7      3   0   1   53.023   

1.6879        71      1   1   6   54.353   

1.6327        28      2   1   5   56.352   

1.5913        88      3   1   2   57.954   


1.5526        39      2   2   4   59.544   

1.4421        11      3   2   1   64.633   

1.4220         8      0   O   8   65.661   

1.3856         6      3   O   5   67.614   

1.3577         7      3   2   3   69.194   


1.3356         6      2   1   7   70.508   

1.3106        10      4   0   0   72.059   

1.2640         5      4   1   1   75.162   

1.2495        44      2   O   8   76.193   

Example 4.

  Monoclinic material, no intensities, wavelength 2.28970

Original data is photographic: data is calculated from

film measurements, with shrinkage corrections.

Nominal cell constants:      a   5.12

b   5.18  beta  99.3

c   5.29

d-spacing       intensity   h   k   l   2-theta   

4.89               0        1   0   0   27.10   

3.67               0        0   1   1   36.40   

3.60               0        1   1   0   36.92   

3.14               0       -1   1   1   42.78   

2.815              0        1   1   1   48.00   


2.601              0        0   0   2   52.22   

2.583              0        0   2   0   52.62   

2.519              0        2   0   0   54.07   

2.481              0       -1   0   2   54.97   

2.317              0        0   2   1   59.21   


2.195              0       -2   1   1   62.86   

2.174              0        1   0   2   63.56   

2.008              0        1   1   2   69.51   

1.980              0       -2   0   2   70.66   

1.834              0        0   2   2   77.23   


1.805              0        2   2   0   78.72   

1.791              0       -1   2   2   79.45   

1.771              0       -2   2   1   80.57   

1.681              0        2   0   2   85.85   

1.646              0        0   1   3   88.14   


1.641              0       -1   1   3   88.44   

1.632              0        1   3   0   89.12   

1.599              0       -3   1   1   91.44   

1.581              0       -1   3   1   92.79   

1.573              0       -2   2   2   93.44   


1.535              0        1   3   1   96.44   

1.531              0       -3   0   2   96.78   

1.499              0        1   1   3   99.58   

1.487              0       -2   1   3   100.68   

1.467              0        3   1   1   102.58   


1.446              0        0   2   3   104.73   

1.440              0       -1   2   3   105.28   

1.426              0        2   3   0   105.83   

1.417              0       -1   3   2   107.75   

1.410              0        2   2   2   108.52   


1.370              0       -2   3   1   113.36   

1.353              0        1   3   2   115.55   

1.342              0        1   2   3   117.16   

Eric Kelly

Last updated 05-March-2006
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