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Abstract submission for Industrial Group meetings

NB arrangements for IG sessions at BCA spring meeting will be different - see appropriate web pages for details


Any GRAPHIC must be supplied as a separate file:
The g raphic should be saved as an 8bit grey level image, 100 dpi resolution with a GIF or JPEG extension.

Electronic abstracts may be submitted in two ways:

  • Email an attached word processor document to the meeting co-ordinator. Attach any graphic as a separate file.
    We have standardised on Microsoft Word 6.0 as the required file format.
  • Email ASCII text abstracts, attach any graphic as a separate file.
    ASCII text abstracts will be formatted.

Floppy disks should be mailed (suitably protected) to the meeting co-ordinator.

Abstract Layout

Abstracts should be submitted as an A4 (210 mm wide, by 297 mm deep) sized document, with side margins of 3 cm and top and bottom margins of 4 cm (the overall text area is therefore 150 mm wide, by 217 mm deep). The typeface should be 12pt Arial or an equivale nt ‘sans serif’ font such as Helvetica. The title should be given in CAPITALS, followed by one line space, then the author name(s) all on one line (attending authors underlined or marked with an asterisk [*]), another line space then the authors affiliations. A further line space should be inserted before the text, which should be typed in single spacing and justified. A single line should be left between paragraphs, and there should be no indentation a t the beginning of each paragraph. References should be given after the text, separated from it by a line space. The whole text, including references, must fit into the text area defined above.

Following the abstract, please give the following information:

Session for which the Abstract is intended (Or meeting title - Not all meetings are divided into sessions);

Contact information for the author responsible for the submission (usually the presenting author)
Name, address, phone, Fax and email.

Example of abstract layout: Download example file: an 8kb .rtf version


A. Scientist1,L. Colleague 1 and A. Collaborator 2

1. Research Department, Whatever plc
2. Institute of Mineralogy, University of Faraway, College Area, Faraway State, USA

The text should be typed approximately like this. This is Arial 12pt, typed on single line spacing and justified. The sans serif font is particularly clear, especially if reduced to A5 size as it may be for the Abstract Book [1].

Le ave a line between paragraphs as this make the whole thing rather easier to read. There is then no need to indent at the beginning of each paragraph, so leave these left justified.

[1] A.B.O. Authors (2002), BCA Spr. Meet., 02, 1-100.



Session title: Autumn Meeting
Contact author: A. Scientist
Address: Whatever plc, Technology Centre, Any Road, Wherever WH9 9EG
Phone: 01111 200000 ext. 666
Fax: 01111 222333
email: [email protected]


Please remember to include the session title and contact details requested above. Your abstract wil l be acknowledged by email prior to the meeting.

Please address all correspondence regarding abstracts to the meeting co-ordinator whose address will be given on the particular meeting registration form

Last updated 26 August 2002
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