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Reports on Industrial Group Meetings 2004
BCA Spring Meeting6-8th April 2004, ManchesterA Report on The SAS Programme of the BCA Spring Meeting held at UMIST April 2004.The SAS programme really started on Wednesday morning during the Instrument Calibration session with Dr.Manfred Kriechbaum from the Institute of Biophysics and X-Ray Structure Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences; Practical Aspects of SAXS in Industrial Research: In this talk the technical features, setup and application fields of a modern laboratory small-angle X-ray scattering camera in industrial research were presented. Emphasis was put on the nanostructural information content of SAXS in condensed heterophase (porous) systems, very common in industrial research and quality control, where SAXS can be an excellent complementary and even superior method (with respect to gas sorption methods) for the determination of inner surfaces and interfaces, as it 'sees' also enclosed pores and can be applied to wet samples. Industrial laboratories are also often faced with the task of high-throughput screening of multi-component formulations where the SAXS method can quickly yield nanostructural information when the SAXS camera is equipped with a flow-through sample cell attached to an autosampler. Furthermore, there is also the possibility to combine SAXS simultaneously with another thermal or spectroscopic method (E.g. simultaneous SAXS-DSC measurements). To start the first parallel SAS session it was Vladimir Kogan of PANalytical with a presentation entitled Comparative SAXS Measurements Performed by Different Techniques Nowadays modern laboratory x-ray diffractometers are being considered as possible platforms to perform SAXS experiments, challenging the performance of dedicated systems. Vladimir presented the preliminary results of comparative SAXS measurements on polymers and bio-polymers, obtained using different experimental set-ups. This was then followed by Manfred's second talk of the day; Time-Resolved SAXS Measurements at Synchrotrons: The high-flux and brilliance of X-rays from modern 3rd generation synchrotrons enable us to follow the nanostructural development, the supramolecular assembling or molecular mechanism of phase-transitions in situ and in real-time with a time-resolution in the millisecond time regime by small-angle X-ray scattering. As examples, a variety of such time-resolved experiments, mostly on biological samples, performed at the SAXS beamline at ELETTRA, Trieste, Italy, were presented. Among them T-jump and p-jump relaxation studies on phospholipid phase-transitions followed by time-resolved SAXS as well as individual setups and current limitations were discussed. This was followed by Mary Vickers with Solid Polymers to Particles in Solution which covered topics as diverse as; Oriented lamellae in blown polyethylene film, The final SAS session of the afternoon was from Andrew Harrison of Edinburgh University with "In-situ diffraction studies of microwave driven processes in materials chemistry and biology" Andrew described how microwave heating is becoming increasingly important as a method of driving chemical synthesis and materials processes, both in solution, and in the solid state. He also highlighted the increasing concerns about the possible harmful effect that such radiation - as used in mobile 'phones - may have on biological tissue, over and above what might be expected from consideration of the likely heating effects at low exposure level. However, both aspects of this field are served by almost no direct experimental measurements of the nature of such effects. The team at Edinburgh University have developed several different types of microwave reactor that enable them to perform X-ray or neutron scattering measurements on powders, single crystals, colloidal and liquid crystal systems during microwave irradiation, and to measure temperature accurately and precisely. He described the principles of designing and operating such equipment, and described some of their work on colloidal growth, and the potential to use such methods to probe the possible effect microwave radiation may have on the structure of proteins and biological membranes. Thursday 8th April saw the Small Angle session kicking off with Dmitri Svergun of the European Molecular Biology laboratory - Hamburg Outstation With Small Angle Scattering Studies of Biological Macromolecules in solution. Small-angle scattering of X-rays and neutrons (SAS) is a fundamental tool in the study of biological macromolecules. SAS allows one to study the structure of native particles in nearly physiological solutions and to analyse structural changes in response to variations in external conditions. The scattering data bears information about the overall shape and internal structure at a resolution of 1-2 nm. The method is applicable to a broad range of sizes, from individual macromolecules to multi-domain proteins and large macromolecular assemblies. Recent progress in instrumentation and data analysis significantly enhances resolution and reliability of structural models provided by the technique and makes SAS a useful complementary tool to high-resolution methods, in particular, in large-scale structural studies. Advanced methods to analyse X-ray and neutron scattering data from solutions of biological macromolecules were presented including: ab initio low resolution shape determination; modelling of quaternary structure by rigid body refinement; ab initio analysis of medium-angle data to obtain domain structure from X-ray data; the use of specific deuteration combined with contrast variation in neutron scattering to construct detailed inhomogeneous structural models; addition of missing loops and domains to high resolution protein models; quantitative analysis of equilibrium mixtures of oligomeric proteins. Practical applications of the methods were illustrated by recent examples. This was then followed by a chap called Richard Morris from Huntsman Surface Sciences, Oldbury with; "He Scrubs Up Well - Doesn't He?" or, New Aspects of Expanded Lamellar Surfactants - Aqueous, Sugar Based Exfoliates. Currently there are two types of body scrub available; aqueous and non-aqueous. Aqueous scrubs contain insoluble abrasives e.g. shells, seeds or pumice and are sold as pastes, gels or thickened emulsions. Non-aqueous scrubs contain soluble abrasives i.e. sugar and salt. Oils, glycols and silicones are used in place of water. The disadvantages of these products are that the aqueous scrubs are viscous, difficult to manufacture and the insoluble abrasives may lead to bacterial contamination. The non- aqueous scrubs are pastes, which have an oily or greasy feel, difficult to spread and are expensive. However, it is now possible to produce water based sugar scrubs! It has been discovered that surfactants can be made to form liquid crystals in saturated sugar solution. We can see from the SAXS data that the inter-lamellar spacing is in the region of 500 A. These liquid crystals can support additional solid particles of sugar. The solid sugar crystals are suspended indefinitely and act as an exfoliate. The presentation demonstrated the application of SAXS in the development of new surfactant technology and Richard also gave a brief demonstration of how to make you own sugar scrub from everyday chemicals found in the kitchen. Markus Winter from Bruker then followed with SAXS from multi-functional XRD instruments; NanoSTAR - The Universe of Nanostructure Analysis that described the new Bruker XRD instrument. Richard Heenan of ISIS at RAL delivered the final morning session; SANS - Practicalities and prospects Small angle neutron scattering, SANS, remains a powerful tool in many areas of science, despite many advances in X-ray instrumentation. Accelerator based, pulsed neutron sources, such as ISIS, are the way forward for the future of neutron scattering. Major new pulsed sources are under construction in the USA and Japan and a second target station, optimized for cold neutrons, is to be built at ISIS which will enable a new world class SANS facility within the UK. The advantages of pulsed source SANS were outlined and examples given of SANS science from both LOQ at ISIS and the continuous source D22 instrument at the ILL reactor in Grenoble. SANS contrast variation, using deuterated components enables unique information to be obtained on increasingly complex systems. Complex sample environment such as pressure cells, flow and shear cells and stop-flow techniques are readily available to map system behaviour rather than simply measure single structures. Thursday afternoon saw Pete Laity from Cambridge with Scattering from segmented Co-polymers - a reinterpretation of SAXS data; Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) has been widely used to study the microphase-separated morphology exhibited by polyurethanes, which arises through the immiscibility of 'hard' and 'soft' chain segments. The results are often analysed on the basis of a lamellar model, which appears to be justified on the basis of the expected volume fractions of 'hard' and 'soft' microdomains. Peter's recent work has re-examined the SAXS data from a series of segmented co-poly (ether-urethane)s, using a number of alternative morphological hypotheses. The results suggest that a lamellar interpretation might not be the best model for polyurethane systems. On the contrary, the scattering data obtained from the co-poly(ether-urethane)s under various experimental conditions could be reproduced using 'globular' scattering models of the Zernike-Prins or Percus-Yevick types. This suggested relatively small volume fractions of hard segment microdomains and a significant persistence of segmental mixing. Analysing the SAXS data by curve-fitting these models has revealed considerable new insight into the morphological response to deformation in these materials and indicated possible links to mechanical and thermal behaviour. Next up was Mark Farnworth from Pilkington Glass with X-ray reflectivity in the glass industry; Mark described how the techniques of XRPD, GAXRD, pole figures and X-ray Reflectivity measurements can be used to examine samples from all stages of glass manufacture, from the crystalline raw materials to the amorphous final product. GAXRD is used to examine thin coatings on the glass surface of hydrophobic coatings, which disperse water. Refractory materials are examined to determine how much non-crystalline material is present and the amounts of quartz, cristobalite and tridymite. Also, multi-layer stack coatings are examined E.g. Ti ZrO2 Ag Si. Texture maps can be produced which show the degree of texture in the silver layer of the coatings and the thickness, density, top and bottom roughness of each individual layer can be measured. Finally, Richard Clapperton of Huntsman Surface Sciences Oldbury gave a fascinating insight into the world of detergent research with: SAXS Interpretation of Deflocculated Vesicles - The Route to Superconcentrated Detergents Richard described how liquid detergents contain concentrated solutions of surfactants and their phase behavior determines the key physical properties of the detergent, such as viscosity and storage stability. Whilst the latter can be measured through techniques such as rheometry, and phase can be identified by optical microscopy, there are few tools available to the formulator to characterize the liquid on a molecular level. Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is a fast, versatile technique that enables the finer details of surfactant phases to be determined. This includes confirmation of phase type and measurement of phase dimensions, such as water layer thickness between surfactant bilayers. The effect of additives on phase structure can be monitored by SAXS, thus assisting product development. The challenge of achieving superconcentrated detergents has been greatly simplified by SAXS characterization. This concluded the SAS sessions and everyone agreed that it had been an enjoyable and successful event. Richard C.E. Morris ![]() Instrument Calibration Session “How to be a star”Introduction - Dave Taylor and Jim Kaduk The opening introductory session was shared by Dave Taylor and Jim Kaduk (the new ICDD Chairman). Jim explained the criteria for a star quality pattern in the ICDD powder diffraction file. Dave went on to cover the standards available for instrument testing including non-ambient calibration and gave a reminder of the lists maintained on the IG web pages. The rapid expansion of the PDF is a significant factor in driving us towards better instrument alignment to ensure that phase identification software pulls up the right matches with the push to tighter search windows. The need for testing was demonstrated with examples from the IG Instrument Sensitivity Round Robin and a new spreadsheet will be available soon to automate checks. The basics of instrument alignment were then covered. Dave also announced details of a new low angle Round Robin based on a Ag Behenate film being launched by the IG this summer. Jim rounded off by explaining the procedures for submitting “star” quality patterns to ICDD for all those new compounds currently missing from the PDF database. Aspects of calibration in SAXS - Manfred Kriechbaum Manfred covered the difficulties of calibration for SAXS measurements with nothing in the way of absolute standards. Rat-tail (tendon collagen) with a spacing of approximately 67nm is used for checks but it is not very stable especially to moisture. He also gave an overview of the role of SAXS at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The European XRPD Standard - Steve Norval Steve explained the background to this standard. For XRPD, there are different instruments, techniques and applications. It is not the easiest technique to standardize. The motivations for putting together a 'standards' document include good practice, a point of reference for producing acceptable data and demonstrating competence. The title of the document is 'X-ray Diffraction from Polycrystalline and Amorphous Materials'. It has been put together by a working group of a technical committee of the European Commission for Standardisation. 'General Principles' and 'Procedures' documents were released in 2003 under the following codings: BSEN 13925-1 and BSEN 13925-2 respectively. The aim is to release a third document 'Instruments' this year - BSEN 13925-3. Beyond that, documents on 'Reference Materials' and 'Terminology' will be released. Steve gave an overview of the contents of the 'Instruments' document. It covers issues such as types, components, calibration and testing. For the control of a diffractometer there is component selection, component configuration, alignment and testing. Procedures have been established for calibration and instrument alignment/verification. Lined-Up or Spot-On? The Ups and Downs of Diffractometer Alignment - Martin Vickers Martin gave a very useful and practical guide to the alignment of the equipment at Birkbeck College which includes both transmission and reflection geometry. Good alignment produces accurate 2-theta positions, maximises intensity and produces nice peak shapes. Useful tricks and a well thought out approach, designed especially to assist Bruker Users in the tricky art of alignment, were well received. Stress Instruments - Judith Shackleton Judith gave a good overview of the approach required for residual stress analysis and stressed the importance of accurate results when measurements rely on very small changes in high angle measurements. Additional complications arise with the complex shapes of the components for analysis. Stress is calculated from Hook’s Law [Young's Modulus – Stress/Strain] using the sin2ψ method. In effect, the crystallographic planes act as an atomic scale strain gauge. A stress-free standard is not required and the method is easy to carry out, however, the method is only sensitive to the top few tens of microns of a surface. She explained how an algorithm developed in conjunction with Rolls Royce was being applied to peened samples. Calibration for Silver Halides - David Beveridge David explained the problems associated with the photographic industry and the difficulties of resolving phases which requires the very precise measurements of a few lines at moderately high angles. Calibrations are required for peak position, width and peak profile. Peak widths are often variable and depend upon chemical variability, strain and grain size. Often in house standards are required as calibration aids. The session ended with the chair Jeremy Cockcroft thanking the speakers for their contribution to an interesting session. Mark Farnworth ![]() Catalysts in IndustryX-Ray Diffraction at Johnson Matthey From Cell Parameter to Fuel Cell. Tim Hyde, Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey's core products are catalysts, precious metals and specialty chemicals. Tim described the role X-ray diffraction has played over many years in the support of their research and development interests. He described how autocatalysts for either petrol or diesel vehicles are comprised of a ceramic honeycomb support coated with the catalyst. XRD analysis of the coating involves phase ID, Crystallite size and lattice parameter determination of the platinum group catalyst, comprising a platinum group metal catalyst and various promoters on an oxide support. After accelerated aging, XRD has proved a useful tool in determining the efficacy of catalysts towards meeting legislative emission standards. Highly efficient and clean fuel cell technology is likely to be used in future stationary and mobile power application with catalysts and catalyzed components at their heart. He described the use of platinum alloy catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and the relationship between observed enhanced activity, structural features and the x-ray diffraction data. Catalysts In Situ. Steve Norval. ICI plc. Heterogeneous catalysts are crucial in making a large proportion of the chemicals we use daily. Steve described how they helped produce the fuel in our cars and clean the exhaust gases. The margarine that many of us eat was oil until it was catalytically solidified. A catalyst is usually defined as a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being changed by it. The reality is not as simple as that and the "science" of catalysts can be more like a black art. Solid catalysts transform chemically and physically as they are activated for use and throughout their life span. Much of the relevant information about the performance is at the level we probe by XRD - phases, crystal structure and microstructure. However, there is always the likelihood that the catalyst in the reactor is not the same as the one put in or the one taken out and that is why the use of in situ measurements are vital to real understanding. Steve used examples of typical catalyst systems to describe of the role of XRD in their characterization. Powder X-Ray Diffraction and Heterogeneous Catalysis. Justin Hargreaves , University of Glasgow. Justin gave an academic perspective on the application of
powder x-ray diffraction to heterogeneous catalysts. Many
published studies have simply concentrated on the identification
of catalyst phase composition by standard fingerprint techniques
with the consequent loss of the full range of information
available. Justin described a number of studies which have
concentrated on the deeper understanding of catalytically
relevant systems. Particular emphasis was placed on the
application of line profile analysis for the determination of
microstructural detail with an example from the recent literature
on the Cu/ZnO system being cited. The application of Debye
Function Analysis to the study of highly dispersed supported
metal particles was also reviewed with recent examples of in-situ
application being given. ![]() END OF SPRING MEETING REPORTS Three other 2004 meeting reports follow. Introduction To Powder Diffraction - One Day WorkshopManchester Materials Science Centre
Last updated 03-February-2005 |
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