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Powder Diffraction and the International Centre for Diffraction Data

These pages contain references to articles published in 'Crystallography News' or the Industrial Group Newsletters since 1995 and links to other World Wide Web sites which have information related to powder diffraction, mainly activities of the ICDD, but there are also links to reports of meetings, biographies of crystallographers and books.

Articles in Crystallography News

These are listed in order of publication
Jun 95
p 26 Report of Industrial Group sessions at Cardiff with summary of X-ray diffraction at Daresbury Laboratory by Bob Cernik
Sep 95
p 15 Obituary of Arthur Wilson by Ian Langford
p 40 Report on SPDP95 by Bill David
p 42 Setting up and first open meeting of CCP14 , powder and single crystal diffraction. Details are on the DL site.
Mar 96
p 36 Progress on CCP14 - computational project on powder and single crystal diffraction
Mar 97 p11
IUCr CPD Quantitative Phase Analysis Round Robin
Sep 97 p32
European Standards for powder diffraction
DARTS DL Crystallography Service for academics
Mar 98
p 27 ICDD Scholarship Awards for 1998
p 29 Malcolm McMahon receives 2 prizes for diffraction research
p59 IUCr CPD Round Robin Web Site
Jun 98
p 23 ICDD officials for 1998
p 25 Call for proposals ICDD scholarship award 1998
p 50 Report on pharmaceutical powder diffraction meeting March 1998
Sep 98
p 25 Workshop on Diffraction at Elevated temperatures 3 June 1998
p 27 J.D.Hanawalt Award for 1998
Dec 98
p 41 Residual Stress measurement with neutrons
p 43 Report of workshop on Residual Stress using X-Rays
p 48 Report 1998 Denver Conference
Mar 99 p39
Symposium on Pharmaceutical Powder X-Ray Diffraction and 1999 ICDD Scholarships Awarded

Articles in the Industrial Group Newsletter

There is an index to technical articles and a complete index to all their newsletters.


These are books related to diffraction data and its uses which have been reviewed since 1995 in 'Crystallography news'. Other books are in another file.

web sites for powder diffraction

Last updated 26 August 2002
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