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INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND INTENSITY TESTINGA Spreadsheet to evaluate a Standard Corundum Diffractometer ScanA spreadsheet using macros has been developed from the Intensity Round robin which will allow you to test the performance of your diffractometer using a single scan and check that it is giving the equivalent of ICDD PDF star quality data. The spreadsheet has been designed to read the proprietary ICDD .REF file format for use as an evaluation tool prior to pattern submission to ICDD. However, it is equally suited for use in any laboratory using manually pasted data and file conversion routines. You will need a standard Corundum sample. NIST SRM1976 plate is the preferred standard (it avoids sample preparation induced errors including preferred orientation) but you can also use SRM676 powder. The use corundum powder from another source is possible, just use the SRM676 option during processing. Bruker users will find a spreadsheet (scanplot101.xls) developed by Steve Norval provides a useful bridge and other file converters are planned. You may want to check out the available data conversion options on the CCP14 site. ConvX with output as an ASCII file which can be read into a new spreadsheet works well. The spreadsheet is available by sending an E-mail to Dave Taylor with the title RR Spreadsheet. You will be notified of significant updates and file converters. More information is available in a |