BCA jobs submitted Jan to June 2000

BCA JOBS PAGE Jan to June 2000

This jobs page is for positions submitted betweeen January and June 2000, click here for the current one, but there may still be a few current vacancies in this one. Look carefully at application deadlines, I try to remove notices as soon as I can after a deadline, but may not notice all of them. There may be a few jobs still available in an older file 1999

We have 2 sections in this file:

In another file we have links to Positions advertised elsewhere last updated 24 Jun 2000 and advice on Career Developmentlast link added 17 Nov 1999

Positions Available

28 June 2000

24 June 2000

4 June 2000

12 May 2000

28 April 2000

20 April 2000

16 April 2000

31 March 2000

10 Mar 2000

3 Mar 2000

16 Feb 2000

14 Feb 2000

10 Feb 2000

Jan 2000

21 Jan 2000
14 Jan 2000
7 Jan 2000
6 Jan 2000

8 Dec 99

Positions wanted

Anyone want a job? Contact the BCA Webmaster with a brief CV, 30 lines or less, which may be posted here. Please send your CV as either ASCII text or already formatted in HTML. The Webmaster receives mail on a mainframe; other formats are ignored, mail containing packed attachments from PCs will be deleted unread.

last updated 10 Feb 2000

10 Feb 2000

I have just completed a PhD using in-situ XRD to enhance the rate of crystallisation of confectionery fats. My work has been in collaboration with Cadbury Ltd. and I have extensive experience of the Daresbury SRS and Brookhaven NSLS.

I am looking for either post-doc or full-time job working in the field of crystallisation. A full C.V. is available on request.

Scott D. MacMillan
Dept. Mechanical & Chemical Engineering,
Heriot-Watt University,
Riccarton, Midlothian,
Scotland, UK.
EH14 4AS

E-mail: [email protected]
Tel : 0131 449 5111 (x4702)

BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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