Current Positions available/wanted in 1999

BCA JOBS PAGE for 1999

Please send news of positions to [email protected] They will normally be posted to this list for 3 months, if you fill the vacancy, or get a job, please let the Webmaster know. Also look carefully at application deadlines, I try to remove notices as soon as I can after a deadline, but may not notice all of them. There may be a few jobs still available in an older file

We have 2 sections in this file:

In another file we have links to Positions advertised elsewhere and advice on Career Developmentlast link added 17 Nov 1999

Positions Available

8 Dec 99

29 Nov 99

29 Nov 99

24 Nov 99

21 Nov 99

16 Nov 99

30 Oct 99

17 Oct 99

14 Oct 99

5 Oct 99

Several Postdocs in Structural Biology at Florida State University, USA

30 Sep 99

a Postdoc in Michigan and a PhD studentship in Durham UK

23 Sep 1999

3 Sep 1999

27 July 1999

28 June 1999

22 June 1999

5 June 1999

14 May 1999

25 Apr 1999

18 Apr 1999

31 Mar 99

19 Mar 99

11 Mar 99

Postdoctoral position in Australia, deadline 16 April 1999

4 Mar 1999

27 Feb 1999

25 Feb 1999

3 Feb 1999

16 Jan 1999

4 Jan 98

Positions wanted

Anyone want a job? Contact the BCA Webmaster with a brief CV, 30 lines or less, which may be posted here. Please send your CV as either ASCII text or already formatted in HTML. The Webmaster receives mail on a mainframe; other formats are ignored, mail containing packed attachments from PCs will be deleted unread.

last updated 1 Dec 1999

BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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