Current Positions available

BCA page of LINKS to jobs listed elsewhere and career development

This page has 2 sections:
  • Links to Positions advertised elsewhere
  • Advice on Career Developmentlast link added 13 Mar 2000
  • EPSRC schools in 2000for career development for postdocs
    last link updated 30 Dec 2000

    Jobs elsewhere

    Other places with jobs are:

    Site for Career Development for PostDocs

    Subject: Career Development Center
    Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 16:58:42 +0000
    From: Carlos Rascon
    nization: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
    To: MCFA-Career

    There is a new resource for science postdocs on the Web. Next Wave's Career Development Center ( is a free, comprehensive source of advice and guidance for young scientists pursuing academic research career in today's scientific community. In conjunction with our network of experts, we offer practical advice on a variety of topics including: writing grant applications, review criteria, becoming faculty, designing your lab, budgeting and becoming an administrator.

    The site also includes up-to-date information on science policy issues, activities of postdoctoral associations around the country, changes in the funding landscape and current news events. Anyone who needs information about grants or funding can e-mail questions to the GrantDoctor, a weekly advice column ([email protected]). In addition, researchers can link to GrantsNet ( This free service helps researchers locate funding in the biological and medical sciences through a searchable database of over 580 programs.

    Next Wave's Career Development Center is published by Science and the AAAS. Major funding support comes from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute ( and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (

    Please forward this message to any of your colleagues who may also be interested in these issues.


    Ellis Rubinstein, Editor, SCIENCE

    EPSRC Career development schools

    EPSRC are funding 4 pilot career development schools this year. This new initiative is being run by CRAC and UCL in London, Manchester, Strathclyde and Cardiff. These courses are free to researchers on EPSRC funded projects. Places will be available to non-EPSRC funded researchers if they remain vacant.

    Each school consists of an initial residential phase of 21/2 days. Participants then carry out a practical career research project and meet for a final 1 day review 2 months later.

    Dates are as follows:

    London: 9-10 March with follow up in May (Now full)
    Manchester: 5-7 April and 7 June
    Strathclyde: 22-24 August and 11 October
    Cardiff 12-14 September and 15 November

    For more information visit the CRAC website (

    Please pass this on to anyone who you think may be interested.

    Please let the BCA Webmaster know of other similar sites.

    BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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