Current Positions available/wanted


Please send news of positions to [email protected] They will normally be posted to this list for 3 months, if you fill the vacancy, or get a job, please let the Webmaster know. Also look carefully at application deadlines, I try to remove notices as soon as I can after a deadline, but may not notice all of them. There may be a few fellowships still available in older files for Jan to June 2000 and for 1999

We have 2 sections in this file:

In another file we have links to Positions advertised elsewhere last updated 29 Dec 2000 and advice on Career Developmentlast link added 17 Nov 1999

Positions Available

29 Dec 2000

21 Dec 2000

20 Dec 2000

18 Dec 2000

14 Dec 2000

13 Dec 2000

7 Dec 2000

27 Nov 2000

23 Nov 2000

31 Oct 2000

19 Oct 2000

12 Oct 2000

5 Oct 2000

2 Oct 2000

25 Sep 2000

20 Sep 2000

14 Sep 2000

10 Sep 2000

7 Sep 2000

4 Sep 2000

31 Aug 2000

18 Aug 2000

14 Aug 2000

17 Jul 2000

17 Jul 2000

11 Jul 2000

3 Jul 2000

28 June 2000

24 June 2000

4 June 2000

12 May 2000

Positions wanted

Anyone want a job? Contact the BCA Webmaster with a brief CV, 30 lines or less, which may be posted here. Please send your CV as either ASCII text or already formatted in HTML. The Webmaster receives mail on a mainframe; other formats are ignored, mail containing packed attachments from PCs will be deleted unread.

last updated 31 Oct 2000

Position sought for sabbatical

I would like to apply for a Research Associateship in S.A.X.S and microdiffraction techniques.

I am a Reader in Physics at Goa University, India. I have the opportunity of spending a year or two on sabbatical leave. My research area is in the use of neutron and X-ray diffraction to study the structures of glasses. I also have some background in small angle neutron scattering.

If you are interested I can send my curriculum vitae and names of some referees.

Erwin Desa

       Dr. J. A. E. Desa             Ph: 91-832-221375

       Department of Physics,            Extn: 251

       Goa University,         

       Taleigao Plateau,             Fax:91-832-221484

       Goa - 403 206                 E-mail:[email protected]

BCA Home page WebMaster [email protected]
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