New entries are listed at the top of the list, latest added 10 May 2000

PostDoc at UMIST

Hydration In Molecular Crystals

A Three Year Postdoctoral Research Associateship is available at UMIST funded by Pfizer Ltd.

The inclusion of water within organic materials is a matter of considerable practical importance in the pharmaceutical industry and yet it remains a poorly understood phenomena. It is intended that this project will develop a fundamental understanding of the structural reasons for water incorporation and the relative stabilities of anhydrous and hydrated forms.

Applicants with crystallographic experience and an interest in the processes of crystallisation are invited to apply before 1 August 2000 to:
Professor R. J. Davey, Crystals Colloids and Interfaces Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, UMIST, Manchester M 60 1QD.
email: [email protected]

Salary in region of �20K, depending on age.

Instrument Scientist at ISIS, RAL

An enthusiastic and motivated scientist is required for a position on the MARI neutron spectrometer at the ISIS Facility. ISIS is the world's most intense source of pulsed neutrons and muons, providing research facilities for condensed matter science. MARI is a direct geometry chopper spectrometer with a broad scientific programme covering fields such as low dimensional magnetism, amorphous materials, chemical spectroscopy and quantum fluids.

The successful candidate will be part of a team operating the three ISIS chopper spectrometers MARI, HET and MAPS, but he or she will have particular responsibility for supporting the experimental programme on MARI. In addition to supporting the programme, the successful candidate will be expected to take an active role in instrument development and to pursue a scientific research programme making use of MARI and other instruments in the ISIS suite.

A PhD in the physical sciences (physics, chemistry, materials or earth sciences) is essential, and experience of postdoctoral research and/or inelastic neutron scattering is desirable. A flexible approach to working hours will be required.

The salary range is between �18,620 and �26,600 (Band 5), depending on qualifications and experience. A non-contributory pension scheme and a generous leave allowance are offered.

For further details, contact Dr S M Bennington (Tel. +44 (0)1235 445193, e-mail: [email protected] ). More information about ISIS and MARI can be found at .

Application forms can be obtained from:
Operations Group, HR Division, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX.
Telephone (01235) 445435 (answerphone) quoting reference VN1931,
or e-mail [email protected].
More information about CCLRC and application forms are available from CCLRC's World Wide Web pages at

All applications must be returned by 25 May 2000.

The CCLRC is committed to Equal Opportunities and to achieving the Investors In People standard. A no smoking policy is in operation.

Faculty Position

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is searching for an experimentalist to initiate an active research program in the general area of materials, using neutron scattering as a primary tool. This is a joint UTK/ORNL appointment pursuant to the Collaborating Scientist agreement between the University and the Solid State Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This tenure-track position will be at the assistant professor level, but under special circumstances the level of associate professor could be considered. The home institution of this joint appointment will be The University of Tennessee.

A second Collaborating Scientist in a joint UTK/ORNL position will be hired in the same area of research, with ORNL being the home institution. The assistant professor will be expected to run an active on campus materials program. All aspects of materials physics are acceptable but a preference will be given to soft materials. The research program must be compatible with the facilities at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and/or the new Spallation Neutron Sources- (SNS).

Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent and demonstrated experience in materials science. Applications are encouraged from minority and female candidates and should be sent to the chair of the search committee:
Prof. G.D.Mahan, The University of Tennessee, 401 Nielsen Physics Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-1200, USA.

Evaluation of the applicants will begin immediately and continue to be open until the position is filled.

For more information about this position please contact Prof. G. D. Mahan ([email protected]).



The NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR), in cooperation with the University of Maryland, is seeking candidates for an instrument scientist's position at the cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer, SPINS.

A recent Ph.D. in experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics or Materials Science with experience in study of crystal and/or magnetic structure and excitations using X-ray or neutron scattering techniques is sought to share the responsibilities associated with the operation and upgrade of the instrument. These responsibilities include assisting visiting researchers in conducting experiments and analyzing data, instrument testing and calibration, and participating in a major upgrade of the instrument.

These duties are intended to occupy no more than two-thirds of the instrument scientist's time to enable him/her to conduct independent or collaborative research using the SPINS instrument and other facilities at the NCNR. Appointment will initially be for two years with the possibility of extension for up to an additional two years. Salary is in the range from $43,000 to $48,000 depending on qualifications and experience.

Letters expressing interest in this position along with a resume should be sent to:
Dr. Seung-Hun Lee, NCNR/Univ. of Maryland.
email: [email protected]

Page last updated 12 May 2000
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