Jobs notified to the BCA in August 2000

Neutron Scattering Instrument Scientists,

for Australia's Replacement Research Reactor

A number of positions to lead teams to build the new neutron-scattering instruments at Australia's Replacement Research Reactor, which will start construction next year and be operational in 2005, have now been advertised on the Web at:

The main areas of interest, for these positions, are

Please pass this on to anyone you think may be interested or appropriate for any of these positions.  The closing date is October 1st 2000, and applications containing a CV and names of three referees should be sent to [email protected] or to the address on the advertisement. The advertisement is also enclosed as a PDF file: please feel free to post it in an appropriate place on a prominent notice board.

Robert A. Robinson
Physics Division, Building 58
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Menai                   tel:  +61-(2)-9717-9204
NSW 2234           FAX: +61-(2)-9717-3606
AUSTRALIA         e-mail:  [email protected]

Web sites:

Postdoctoral Fellowship
McMaster University

A postdoctoral fellowship in neutron and x-ray scattering studies of topical problems in materials physics is offered at McMaster University under the supervision of Prof. B.D. Gaulin. Facilities at McMaster include a modern x-ray scattering laboratory, based on an 18 kW rotating anode generator, as well as an extensive array of sample preparation facilities including a new floating zone image furnace laboratory for large single crystal growth. Areas of current interest include exotic magnetic ground state materials, high temperature superconductivity, and phases and phase transitions in model biological membrane materials. Experience in neutron or x-ray scattering techniques, or single crystal growth is an asset, but is not required. This position is available immediately, but later starting dates can be accomodated. Interested parties should arrange to send their cv, along with the names and contact information of at least two persons familiar with their work, to:

Prof. B.D. Gaulin
Department of Physics and Astronomy
McMaster University
1280 Main Street W.
Hamilton, ON, L8S 4M1

e-mail: [email protected]
FAX: 1-905-546-1252

The appointment will be made initially for one year, and renewable for a second year by mutual agreement.

University of Warwick
Department of Physics

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

required to work on an EPSRC funded project investigating the interaction between superconductivity and magnetism in exotic materials. The work will involve the growth of single crystals and their characterisation using transport, magnetic and specific heat measurements. Neutron scattering studies will also form an important part of this programme.

Applicants must have a PhD in Physics or a related discipline. The post is funded for 3 years starting 1st November 2000 or as soon after as possible. Salary on the RA1A scale �18,731-�25,213 p.a.

Informal enquiries may be made to Prof. Don McK. Paul: Tel. (+44) (0)24 7652 3603, e-mail [email protected]

Application forms and further details can be obtained from the Personnel Office, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL. Tel. (+44) (0)24 7652 3627.

Closing date for applications is 6th October 2000.

Prof. Don McKenzie Paul,  Department of Physics,  University of Warwick, COVENTRY CV4 7AL,   UK
tel.  024 76 523603   fax. 024 76 692016


Reference: Research Scientist 00/31


The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is an international research institute funded by France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Agreements on scientific collaboration have also been signed with Austria, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Russia. The Institute operates the most powerful source of neutrons in the world, a 58 MW reactor, which was completely refurbished in 1995. The reactor forms the basis for a programme of research covering a wide variety of fields, supplying neutrons to a broad range of instruments which are available to scientists from the member countries.

The ILL has an opening for :

A Scientist in the Three Axis Spectrometer (TAS) Group

The successful candidate will be a highly motivated scientist having a PhD in solid state physics or chemistry, an interest in instrumentation and some previous experience with neutron scattering, preferably in the fields of magnetism and polarised neutrons.

He/she will be expected to carry out his/her own research programme and participate in the operation and development of the relevant instrument. He/she will assist the first instrument responsible on the polarised beam three-axis spectrometer IN20, which is presently being rebuilt with the aim to achieve a significant increase in luminosity. His/her specific assignments will concern the spherical polarimetry (CRYOPAD) and/or spin-echo (TASSE) options on the instrument. In addition, he/she will be expected to carry out -on a regular basis- "local contact" duties on the other instruments in the TAS Group.

The successful candidate will be offered a fixed-term contract, the duration of which will under no circumstances exceed five (5) years. In addition to a competitive salary, certain benefits (reimbursement of removal expenses, adaptation allowance, etc.) may be offered.

Further information can be obtained by contacting:

Dr. R. Currat, tel: (33); e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. J. Kulda, tel: (33), e-mail: [email protected]

or via the World Wide Web ( ).

An application with curriculum vitae, a list of publications and the names of two academic referees should be sent, quoting reference 00/31, no later than 15th SEPTEMBER 2000 to:

  Dr. R. Currat, Head of TAS Group
 B.P. 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France

Postdoctoral position in protein crystallography

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate position. The research ssociate would assume a key role in a variety of projects concerned with the crystallography of transcription factors involved in human leukaemia [see EMBO J. 19: 3004-15]. The applicant should ideally have experience in protein biochemistry and macromolecular crystallisation. The position is within the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, which has excellent facilities for crystallographic analysis.

The position is available for up to 4 years. Salary will depend on qualifications and experience. Please apply by email to:

Dr. Alan J. Warren, email: [email protected]
PNAC Division
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Hills Road

Research associate in crystal engineering

The Department of Chemistry at Kansas State University invites applications for the position of Research Associate to work in the research group directed by Professor Christer Aakeroy on fundamental crystal engineering and the design of extended host-guest networks and molecular-based magnetic materials.

A Ph. D. in Chemistry is required and previous experience in X-ray crystallography and inorganic/organic synthesis is essential. The research associate will be expected to provide crystallographic/structural expertise, lead the synthetic efforts in the group, and assist with training of students. More details can be obtained at:, or by contacting Professor Aakeroy (email: [email protected]).

The initial appointment will be for one year, renewed annually consistent with funding and satisfactory performance, with a salary commensurate with experience.

Applicants should send a full curriculum vitae, a list of publications and at least two letters of reference to Professor Aakeroy, Department of Chemistry, 111 Willard Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506-3701, USA.
Screening of applicants will commence on September 25, 2000.

Kansas State University (KSU) is an equal opportunity employer. KSU actively seeks diversity among its employees.

Page last updated 4 Sep 2000
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