New entries are listed at the top of the list, latest added 3 Mar 2000

A new position in Experimental Physics at Reading

A new Lectureship in Experiment Physics at The University of Reading is available. There are strong existing activities in neutron scattering in

( Condensed Matter)

and (Polymer Physics)

The University is 30 minutes from ISIS. Please circulate and apologies for any multiple postings

Lectureship in Experimental Physics

Department of Physics
Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Experimental Physics. The research interest of the successful candidate should strengthen or complement existing research activities within the Department (namely Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; Condensed Matter Physics or Polymer Physics) or broaden interactions within the University (for example Environmental Physics or Biophysics).

The Department has a research rating of 4 and a QAA teaching score of 24.

The Lectureship is available from October 2000 and is for a fixed period of three years in the first instance. The salary will be in the Grade A range 17,238 p.a to 22,579 p.a.

Further information on research within the Department is available from:
Professor Keith Codling email [email protected] or web pages

Further particulars and application form are available from the Personnel Office, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading, RG6 6AH, telephone (0118) 9316771 (answerphone). Email [email protected] giving full name and address.

Closing date for applications 28 April 2000.


 Professor Geoffrey Mitchell                   Telephone + 44 118 9318573

 Polymer Science Centre                        Mobile    + 44 468 978014

 J.J.Thomson Physical Laboratory               Secretary + 44 118 9318541

 University of Reading                         Facsimile + 44 118 9750203

 Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6AF United Kingdom

 email [email protected]

Postdoctoral Position in the Ealick Research Group,
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University.

A postdoctoral position is available immediately for an investigator to use single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques, including synchrotron radiation and MAD phasing, to investigate the structures of enzymes. Experience in protein production and purification, as well as crystal growth of native enzymes, enzyme/substrate complexes, enzyme/inhibitor complexes, and mutants is highly desirable. Knowledge of crystallographic techniques including data processing, phase determination and improvement, model building, and protein structure refinement is essential. Current goals of the lab include structure-based drug design, elucidation of catalytic mechanisms, evolution of protein function, evolution of biosynthetic pathways and application of synchrotron radiation to protein crystallography. Specific projects include enzymes of purine and pyrimidine nucleotide metabolism, enzymes of cofactor biosynthesis, and polyamine biosynthesis.

A recent PhD in chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, or a closely related field is required. Salary will be commensurate with qualification and experience. The initial appointment will be for one year, with a possible extension for two additional years. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The candidate should forward a cover letter with curriculum vita, copies of relevant publications, and contact information for three references to Prof. Steven E. Ealick ([email protected]; Baker Laboratory,
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853-1301 USA;
FAX: 607-255-1227; Phone: 607-255-7961).

Want a year in Australia?

Victoria University is seeking expressions of interest from women professors in the fields of engineering and/or science to take up appointments as Visiting Professors for a period of up to 12 months.

The Program is aimed at bringing into each Faculty in the University an experienced women Professor from another university in Australia or overseas, for a period of one year on a secondment or a sabbatical appointment. The appointees will be required, in addition to undertaking research and teaching, to contribute to Department/School/Faculty and University level operations. They will be asked to act as a role model and also to provide to the Director of Affirmative Action at the conclusion of their appointment a brief, critical and constructive report on which the University can base further supportive activity for its female academic staff.

The prospective appointee will be offered a one-year appointment as a Visiting Professor in the University. The offer will include remuneration or recompense to their home institution, relocation costs and some research funding assistance; the actual offer will be individualised by the Dean in consultation with the DVC (Higher Education).

The Faculty of Engineering and Science has approximately 200 effective full-time staff of which approximately 40 are female located across three campuses. It comprises three schools; Built Environment, Communications and Infomatics and Life Sciences and Technology. In addition it has four Centres; Australian Food Marketing Centre, Centre for Bioprocessing and Food Technology, Centre for Environmental and Risk Engineering and the Centre for Packaging, Transportation and Storage.

In 1999 the Faculty enrolled 2448 full-time equivalent students including 2144 in undergraduate programs, 185 in postgraduate coursework programs and 119 in postgraduate research programs. As well the Faculty had 320 full-time equivalent students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Hong Kong. In addition the Faculty has 157 full fee paying overseas students enrolled on shore.

I would be interested in gauging your availability and interest in such a position and would welcome any questions or comments you would like to make in regard to the Program. It is hoped that successful appointees would take up their position in the latter part of 2000 although this is negotiable.

If you are interested in this position please contact:
Professor Albert McGill
Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Science
St Albans Campus
Victoria University
PO Box 14428 MCMC
Melbourne 8001

Phone 61 3 9688 4694
Facsimile 61 3 9688 4510

[email protected]

Department of Biochemistry
University of Wisconsin


wo postdoctoral positions in protein crystallography are available immediately to study the structure and function of motor proteins, enzymes involved in cobalamin biosynthesis, antibiotic biosynthesis, and the structural basis of enzyme evolution. Good crystals and excellent expression systems are available for all of these projects. In addition outstanding collaborative opportunities exist to participate in other ongoing projects at the University of Wisconsin. The work may involve any aspect of protein purification, mutagenesis, crystal growth, data collection, model building and refinement. Excellent new research facilities will be available for these studies in the Department of Biochemistry. Applicants with experience in any aspect macromolecular crystallography, molecular biology, or protein biochemistry will be considered. Salary will be commensurate with experience. The University of Wisconsin is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


The University of Wisconsin at Madison is situated on 908 acres of land on the shore of Lake Mendota within one mile of the center of the city center. Madison is a pleasant place to live offering a high standard of living at a moderate cost. It is built around four lakes with its capitol building located at the heart of the city on an isthmus between the two largest lakes. The city is only 77 miles from Milwaukee, 146 miles from Chicago and 258 miles from Minneapolis. There are plenty of things to do outside the lab including sailing, fishing and cycling in the summer and ice-skating, ice-boating and cross country skiing in the winter.

Interested individuals should send their curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation to:

Dr. Ivan Rayment,
Institute for Enzyme Research,
1710 University Avenue,
Madison, WI53705, U.S.A.

Phone: +1 608-262-0437
E-Mail: [email protected]

Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung, IFF, Juelich

PHYSICIST, PHYSICAL ENGINEER (EU research grant funded)

In the framework of the EU research grant (TECHNI=TECHniques for Neutron Instrumentation) correction elements shall be developed, build and tested to enhance the resolution of the Juelich Neutron Spin-echo spectrometer. See the web site:

Construction of a test set-up at the spectrometer; computation and design of the required radial correction coils; control of the manufacturing; test measurements; presentation of results on international project meetings and as reports.

Compelted academic study, if possible with PhD. Knowledge in the fields: scattering techniques; electrodynamics and Fortran or C programming. Understanding of manufacturing problems.

The position is given according to the usual conditions for public service for the present for 2 years or as sholarship. The successful applicant will have the possibility to perform own work on the field of neutron scattering (expecially NSE) applied to soft matter problems (polymers, microemulsions or other complex fluids) with access to national and international research centers.

Contact: M. Monkenbusch, D. Richter,
Neutronenstreuung, IFF
Forschungszentrum Juelich
D-52425 Juelich
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Job Opportunities at the Motorola UK Research Lab

The Motorola Research Lab is currently expanding, and there are 8 posts available this year. If you are interested in applying, or finding out more then please e-mail:

Andrew Aftelak Lab Director) [email protected] (

Here are some brief details of what we do.

The Motorola UK Research Lab conducts leading - edge research into the technologies and applications that will underpin the mobile information revolution. As well as developing ground-breaking technologies, we participate in setting European and global standards, maintain strong relationships with universities, and collaborate in European funded programs. Our talented staff members are drawn from across the world, and we are always looking for talented people to join our team working in Multimedia Applications, Speech Technologies and Software and Systems Engineering.

Multimedia Applications

Concentrating on the opportunities that the mobile internet will bring, our Wireless Multimedia Applications group are researching the solutions that will enhance the lives and capabilities of people on the move. The group is marrying the disciplines of multimedia technologies, the internet and user centred research to define the applications that will thrive in tomorrow's world. The group has special expertise in wireless video, multimedia networking and cognitive psychology.

Speech Technologies

Speech will remain an important communication medium and our Speech group is developing the technologies needed to support future applications. We recognise the importance of speech in controlling ever shrinking mobile devices and accessing the wealth of the internet whilst on the move. Distributed speech recognition, noise robustness, speech driven applications and speech compression are high on our list of priorities, work which is strongly tied to our user centred research.

Software and Systems Engineering

Modern telecommunication systems are becoming increasingly rich in features and functionality, and implementing the software for complex systems with multiple interactions is no easy matter. The Software and Systems Engineering group develop processes and technologies that make the realisation of the future fast and reliable. The group melds together software engineering, computer science and pure mathematics into practical, integrated solutions that make Motorola world class in software development.

If you want to know more about working for Motorola Labs in the UK, or worldwide, please contact:

Andrew Aftelak
Motorola UK Research Lab.
Jays Close
RG22 4PD, UK

Tel: +44 1256 484496 Fax: +44 1256 471383 Email: [email protected]

St Hilda's College Oxford

St Hilda's College offers Graduate Scholarships to suitably qualified women students from any country who are accepted by Oxford University to read for a higher degree with an emphasis on research, in the arts or the sciences.

Normally 4 awards are available for new students, and 4 for ongoing graduates. There are also bursaries for students from New Zealand.

The value of the scholarships will be up to �1000 per year

Scholarships are awarded initially for one year only, but may be continued throughout a graduate's degree subject to satisfactory progress.

Applicants must first be accepted to read for a higher degree of Oxford Univesity, so should apply to the relevant Faculty through the Graduate Admissions Office.

Candidates must also be admitted by St Hilda's College before they can apply for a Graduate Scholarship.

Further particulars from:
The Admissions Secretary, St Hilda's College, Oxford OX4 1DY
tel 01865 276815 fax 01865 276816 [email protected]
see web site at
Closing date for applications is 1 August 2000

Page last updated 10 Mar 2000
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