IG logoX - Ray Fluorescence Site:Site Map.
Another Site Map is in place for the IG X-ray Diffraction content.

Site Map - XRF content:
XRF home page The springboard to XRF information.
Meetings page Information on XRF meetings including links to programmes and reports.
News page XRF Newsletters and archive of News mailings.
Links & Hints page Links to external sites and a Hints and Tips section.
     Note: Frames are used for the Links - a noframes page is available.
Applications page XRF application notes.
Information page Information about the BCA and XRF.
Contacts page Contacting the BCA IG about XRF topics.
Mailing list Add your name to our E-mailing list for news about our XRF meetings.
About us Information about the BCA, Industrial Group, XRF and XRD.

Jobs page Links to XRF Jobs in the UK.
Suppliers Links to a wide range of XRF goodies.
Events information Links to XRF and XRD meetings of interest.

 up arrowReport any errors, omissions or broken links on this page to the Industrial Group Webmaster, e-mail: djtaylor@lineone.net
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