IG logoX - Ray Fluorescence Site:XRF News.

XRF News:
link arrow This will list an index of XRF news items we are made aware of. Use the "webmaster" link at the foot of this page to send in your news items.

5-August-2008 Dedicated XRF pages published in IG Newsletter, View the full PDF newsletter.

11-June-2008 The seventh of our E - Newsletters was mounted.

11-Jan-2008 The sixth of our E - Newsletters was mounted.

11-Jan-2008 Dedicated XRF page published in IG Newsletter View page in PDF format..28Kb - View the full newsletter.

10-Jan-2008 A Tribute to Les Giles was mounted.

3-Jan-2008 XRF Fusion Machines section added to Suppliers page.

1-Aug-2007 The fifth of our E - Newsletters was mounted.

1-Aug-2007 Dedicated XRF page published in IG Newsletter View page in PDF format..28Kb - View the full newsletter.

12-Jan-2007 The fourth of our E - Newsletters was mounted.

12-Jan-2007 Dedicated XRF page published in IG Newsletter View page in PDF format..28Kb - View the full newsletter.

10-Sep-2006 XRF Jobs Page updated.

11-Aug-2006 XRF Suppliers page.

10-Aug-2006 The third of our E - Newsletters was mounted.

10-Aug-2006 Dedicated XRF page published in IG Newsletter View page in PDF format..133Kb - View the full newsletter.

6-Jul-2006 10th May 2006 Meeting Report .

9-Jun-2006 Call for papers 2007 meeting View page .

12-May-2006 Photographs of the joint BCA/RSC May XRF meeting View page .

16-Feb-2006 Dedicated XRF page published in IG Newsletter View page in PDF format..29Kb - View the full newsletter.

16-Feb-2006 The second of our E - Newsletters was mounted.

25-July-2005 The first of our E - Newsletters was mounted with photographs and reports on our first meeting and dates for future meetings.

17-April-2005The first XRF sessions held as part of a BCA Spring Meeting at Loughborough this week were a resounding success. Exhibitors, speakers and delegates were all enthusiastic about this new venture and in favour of future meetings. The organisers meet on the 12th of May to plan the future strategy, so please let us know your thoughts before then. Use the "contacts" link above to reach us.

      link arrowPhotographs from the meeting.

 up arrowReport any errors, omissions or broken links on this page to the Industrial Group Webmaster, e-mail: djtaylor@lineone.net
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