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January 2006 Newsletter.


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Thanks to  RIGAKU logo click the logo to visit their web site
Rigaku sponsored the distribution of the paper edition of this Newsletter.

  1. link arrowEditorial
    Forthcoming Events:
  2. 2006 Spring Meeting:4th - 6th April 2006, Lancaster University.
    link arrowSpring Meeting Industrial Group highlighted sessions.
  3. link arrow10th May 2006 XRF Joint Meeting, BGS, Keyworth, Nottingham.
  4. link arrow8th June 2006 Residual Stress Workshop, more details soon!
  5. link arrow9th November 2006 Autumn Meeting - Call for papers.
    Meeting Reports:
  6. link arrow2005 Autumn Meeting Reports & photographs
    News, Competitions & Notices:
  7. link arrowXRF News.
  8. link arrowAGM Notice Committee nominations required
  9. link arrowLow Angle Round Robin Update Preliminary findings
  10. link arrowSudoku Solution and new puzzle.
  11. link arrowWeb Site of Month suggestions wanted.
  12. link arrowExcel SpreadSheet of EU XRPD standard Equations.
  13. link arrowCommittee Members and Addresses (2005-6)

Diary Dates for 2006:

4-6th April 2006 Spring Meeting, Lancaster .
10th May 2006 XRF Joint Meeting, BGS, Keyworth, Nottingham.
8th June 2006 Residual Stress Workshop.
9th November 2006 Autumn Meeting, Pilkington plc, Lathom, Lancashire.


This Newsletter is packed with details of our plans for 2006 and reports from our meetings last year. We have included a flyer on our XRF meeting in May with this issue that I hope you will pass on to your XRF colleagues Don't forget that we post the Newsletter on our web pages and maintain an archive going back to 1995.

The Spring meeting in Lancaster is a joint meeting with the British Association for Crystal Growth. It offers something for everyone using diffraction techniques even if it is only the opportunity to visit the vendors in the commercial exhibition or network with colleagues from around this country and beyond. There will be an Alun Bowen Lecture by Ulrich Griesser and an Industrial Group Award to Paul Fewster. A full day powder diffraction phase identification workshop offers an exceptional low cost training opportunity. A session on Neutron and Synchrotron opportunities for industrial users will introduce you to what these techniques can offer to extend your material characterisation possibilities.

There is a session on crystallisation and polymorphism of pharmaceuticals and a joint one with BACG on nanocrystallography.

The session on Powder Diffraction in Industry will bring together a varied range of general interest talks. Please check out our web pages for the latest programme or to download a registration form. The early registration deadline is 6th March.

Our 23rd AGM is on Wednesday 5th April 2006 - see page 11 for details. Please note that the AGM agenda and draft minutes from the last AGM are now posted on the web in PDF format to give you the opportunity to view them well in advance of the meeting.

There will be more information on the web for our June Residual Stress Workshop and on the Autumn Meeting in our next newsletter, but now is the time for you to consider giving a talk at this autumn!

Also in this issue we launch a new Excel workbook based on some of the equations in the new European XRPD standards that I'm sure many of you will find useful.

We also have a preliminary update on the low angle round robin (LARR) based on a Silver Behanate film. You can now view the slides from the autumn meeting LARR presentation on the web.

Have you got something to say, a short technical article to offer, a website of the month to nominate or a puzzle for inclusion? If so the web editor is waiting to hear from you!

Do you have ideas for topics you would like us to cover in a future meeting? Just let any committee member know or even pick up the phone to discuss it with them - contact details are linked above!

Web Editor

 up arrow

Situations Vacant:

We now have a web page offering links to situations vacant in the XRF and XRD fields. We do not host any advertisements on our the pages but provide links to other sites advertising suitable jobs.

To have a link to your job vacancies on the IG page, or if you spot a vacancy we should be listing, please contact the IG Web Editor

Go to Situations Vacant Web Page


There were two solutions to the sudoku grid published in the last issue:
Sudo1 (7K) + Sudo (7K)

David Beveridge has supplied the following puzzle for you to try.
Sudo2 (7K)

Web Site of the Month

Each month we feature a link to a web site of the month at the foot of the IG home page and the XRF home page. Please send suggestions for future featured sites to the IG Web editor. You can check sites previously listed on the archive page.

Last updated 13-February-2006
 up arrowReport any errors or omissions on this page to the Industrial Group Webmaster, e-mail: djtaylor@lineone.net
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