IG logoX - Ray Fluorescence Site:Meetings Page.

Diary Dates:
BCA Industrial Group XRF meetings:
link arrow NEXT MEETING: 3 day Spring Meeting, 21-23 April 2009, Loughborough. More...

Other UK Meetings:
link arrow to include your meeting here please contact the webmaster.

2 year XRF/XRD meeting diary:
link arrowMeeting Diary. Note XRF have yellow backgound.

Our Previous Meetings:
link arrowONE day Meeting at BGS, Keyworth May 2008.
      link arrowProgramme.
      link arrowReport and photographs.

link arrow3 day Spring Meeting, Canterbury April 2007
      link arrowProgramme.
      link arrowReport and photographs.

link arrowONE day Meeting at BGS, Keyworth May 2006.
      link arrowProgramme.
      link arrowReport.
      link arrowPhotographs.
link arrowSuccessful inaugural XRF sessions at Loughborough April 2005!
      link arrowProgramme.
      link arrowReports.
      link arrowPhotographs.

 up arrowReport any errors or omissions on this page to the Industrial Group Webmaster, e-mail: djtaylor@lineone.net
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