10th May 2006 British Geological Survey (BGS), Keyworth, Nottingham.
Meeting Registration: NOTE: Registration is now closed.
Download a printable 46kb PDF flyer.
View the Meeting Abstracts.
Delegate Joining Instructions - a 68kb PDF file with maps.
We are pleased to announce that this one day meeting will be a joint meeting of the British Crystallographic Association - Industrial Group and the Royal Society of Chemistry Atomic Spectroscopy Group. By pooling our resources into this single one day meeting we hope to reach a wider audience and offer a wide ranging technical programme.
We will include short talks of 10 minutes duration so why not tell us how you use XRF in your laboratory or share the way you analysed a difficult sample.
The day will start at 10:00am with coffee and at 10:30 an Introduction and tour of the BGS facilities.
There will be a buffet lunch, time to network with speakers and delegates and the meeting will finish around 5:00pm.
The timing should allow delegates from around the country to travel to BGS within the day. Nottingham East Midland Airport is nearby giving convenient travel links from Scotland, Ireland and mainland Europe.
Programme Features:
10:00 Coffee
10:30 Introduction &tour of the BGS Facilities- Mark Ingham, British Geological Survey
11:30 Keynote lecture - "From Catalyst to Final Product: An overview of XRF analytical and sample preparation techniques in a leading European R&D Polymer Laboratory."
- Dany Doyen, INEOS Polyolefins, Belgium. Abstract...
12:15 "A Discussion on the Estimation of Uncertainties in XRF measurements." - Ros Schwarz, LSM Ltd. A presentation followed by discussion. Abstract...
13:00 Lunch
14:00 - 17:00 Afternoon session - including:
14:00 "How Corus Group Share Best Practice" - Ann Townend , Corus plc. Abstract...
14:30 "XRF and Coating Processes at Cranfield University" - Ken Lawson, School of Industrial and Manufacturing Science, Cranfield University. Abstract...
15:00 Tea
15:30 "Silver Determination in Photographic Emulsion by EDXRF" - David Beveridge, IlfordPHOTO. Abstract...
16:00 "Archaeology of the present?" - Sharon Fraser, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, The University of Manchester. Abstract...
16:15 "A different use for ED-XRF within the Pharmaceutical Industry" - Andy Smith, GlaxoSmithKline R&D Abstract...
16:30 "XRF in the Glass Industry" - Daniel Capon, Glass Technology Services, Abstract...
17:00 Close.
Meeting Fees: �30 (�15 concessions, STUDENTS FREE!) - open to non-members at no extra charge.
Registration form.
The delegate folder will contain a pen sponsored by BrukerAXS, an A5 pad sponsored by Ametek - spectro analytical instruments and an XRF theory booklet sponsored by PANalytical. A coffee mug will be provided by Rigaku for you to to take away.
