IG logoX - Ray Fluorescence Site: Sponsorship 2006 Meeting.
Joint Meeting: BCA logo and RSC logo RSCASG logo

10th May 2006
British Geological Survey (BGS), Keyworth, Nottingham.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

We are seeking sponsors for this one day joint meeting of the British Crystallographic Association - Industrial Group and the Royal Society of Chemistry Atomic Spectroscopy Group.

Sponsors will be acknowledged as follows:

       > Logo and link to their web site from the main meeting page.

       > Acknowledgement in the delegate information pack.

       > A commercial insert in the delegate folder.

       > A single commercial PowerPoint slide to be cycled (10seconds per slide)

         prior to the start and during meeting breaks.

Specific additional sponsorship items are also sought including:
pads - sponsored by Spectro
pens - sponsored by Bruker

Delegate folder - sponsor to supply
Morning Coffee break - at cost - acknowledged in the meeting programme.
Afternoon tea break - at cost - acknowledged in the meeting programme.

We are also open to other offers you may wish to make.
PANalytical are supplying an XRF theory booklet for each delegate.

The amount of sponsorship is at your discretion with a minimum of �100 payable in advance by cheque. On receipt of payment your logo will be added to the web page.
Cheques payable to "BCA Industrial Group" should be sent to:
Mr D J Taylor, 35 Birchley Road, Billinge, Wigan, Lancs. WN5 7QJ

If you have any queries regarding sponsorship at this meeting please contact Dave Taylor.

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