IG logoX - Ray Fluorescence Site:Information Page.

Information: This page will provide information about the BCA and XRF.

The British Crystallographic Association through its Industrial Group has introduced X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) into its meeting schedule. We have set up a small committee (Dave Taylor, David Beveridge, Margaret West, Mark Ingham and Ros Schwarz.) to develop this XRF activity. Their aim is to create a forum for XRF users which has close links with, but remains independent of, the suppliers. The current plans are to run three days of dedicated XRF presentations, workshops and commercial exhibition as part of the BCA Spring Meeting every two years and a one day meeting of presentations in alternate years. Our first 3 day meeting was at Loughborough in 2005 was well received by both delegates and exhibitors. Details of the meetings will be posted on our meeting page.

link arrow Add your name to our XRF E-mail circulation list and be kept informed of XRF specific news and meetings.

link arrow BCA Membership - how to become a member
link arrow BCA Aims & History of the organisation
link arrow BCA Industrial Group an Introduction

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