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British Crystallographic Association (BCA)

The British Crystallographic Association was founded in 1982 to promote the use and study of crystallography. The BCA has four specific interest groups, covering chemical crystallography, physical crystallography, biological structures and industrial applications of crystallography. A quarterly magazine is distributed to members. It is a UK registered charity number 284718.

Industrial Group

The Industrial Group's (IG) Constitution requires the group to be "..concerned with the introduction, development and practical application of crystallographic concepts and techniques in an industrial or applied context relating to the structure and properties of materials."

X-Ray diffraction is a versatile industrial technique with many applications as an analytical tool, or for production control. Many industrial users of diffraction techniques are not crystallographers and rely on commercially available software and in-built control of the hardware to achieve solutions to their problems. Traditionally, if they have had contacts with other users, it has been through manufacturers' User Groups or within different branches of their employer's company. The Industrial Group offers an alternative contact route. All industrial users of diffraction techniques will find that the Industrial Group's activities cover topics of interest and which are of immediate practical application.

X-Ray Fluorescence is complementary to the groups core XRD activities with many industrial labs utilising both techniques. XRF is being developed within the Industrial Group as a special interest group (SIG) and regular meetings, workshops, specific web pages and an electronic Newsletter are planned.

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