IG logo Industrial Group of the BCA

September 2005 Newsletter.


Download the FULL A4 Sept 2005 Newsletter A4 PDF File (780Kb) PRINTER FRIENDLY ...780Kb PDF version of the paper edition
or a Sept 2005 Newsletter A5 PDF File (152Kb) PRINTER FRIENDLY ...152Kb PDF version without photographs in A5 format.

Thanks to  PANalytical click the logo to visit their web site
PANalytical who sponsored the distribution of the paper edition of this Newsletter.

  1. link arrowEditorial
    Forthcoming Events:
    Autumn Meetings:18th & 19th November 2005, Birkbeck College, London.
  2. link arrowWorkshop on Basic Diffraction & Patents in Crystallography 18th October 2005
  3. link arrowPatents & Crystallography in Industry 19th October 2005
    2006 Spring Meeting:4th - 6th April 2006, Lancaster University.
  4. link arrowSpring Meeting Preliminary details and call for papers.
    Meeting Reports:
  5. link arrow2005 Spring Meeting Reports
    News, Competitions & Notices:
  6. link arrowXRF E-Newsletter.first mailing
  7. link arrowIndustrial Group Award: Nominations required
  8. link arrowMailing Lists:Newsletter, E-mail notice and XRF mailing lists
  9. link arrowSituations Vacant, Sudoku, Large Cursors, Struggling with Rietveld
  10. link arrowCommittee Members and Addresses (2004-5)

Diary Dates for 2006:
There will be more information on the following events in our next Newsletter.

4-6th April 2006 Spring Meeting, Lancaster .
10th May 2006 XRF Meeting, BGS, Keyworth, Nottingham.
8th June 2006 Residual Stress Workshop.
9th November 2006 Autumn Meeting, Pilkington plc, Lathom, Lancashire.


Welcome to this new look Newsletter! Why the change? Well next year sees the introduction of "payment in proportion" for postal charges (...external link to Royal Mail info). Staying as we were on A4 would see our postal cost increase from 21p to 35p at today's prices. Reducing to A5 avoids the increased postage and the weight we can send goes up from 60g to 100g. We will also use less paper and save money on printing and envelopes. So with no reason to wait and to save money we've made the change now.

We will still compile the Newsletter in our original A4 format (the printer reduces the size to A5). Consequently the download copy (in PDF format) we archive on the web will remain in A4 so you can always print one off if you prefer the larger print of the old format. It is always good to know your views so please let us know what you think about the new format and any other improvements we can make.

Next month we have a 2 day meeting in London with very attractive pricing considering we are bringing you talks from not one but two patent agents! Registration for a single day is �40 and for both just �60 with half price for concessions. The combination of basic crystallography, pharmaceuticals and patents should have a wide appeal and perhaps beyond the scope of our conventional audience. So please let all your friends and colleagues know about this meeting - you would expect to pay ten times the fees for this type of training opportunity elsewhere. We haven't forgotten our traditional Autumn meeting audience and we do have a mix of general interest talks on the 19th October.

Ever wondered if your Rietveld results are correct? We plan to mount two original data sets from our Quantitative Round Robin on the web. The concentrations the data should give will be supplied along with the crystallographic data needed. In fact everything you need to play with to ensure your technique is perfect. So you don't have Rietveld software, well we will cover what is available in the CCP14 talk on 19th October so make sure you are there.

This issue sees the introduction of a dedicated XRF page following on from the success of our first meeting in April. Again we ask your help in making sure your XRF colleagues are aware of our XRF activities and sign up on the web for our specific XRF E-mail list.

We've set you some challenges in this issue. On page 10 there's a very difficult Sudoku grid for you to solve, but the real challenge is to create a working grid with some crystallographical symmetry. I don't think it can be done - can you prove me wrong?

Good at Graphic design? Then have a go at generating a BCA mouse cursor for use in PowerPoint presentations at our meetings!

Articles Wanted:
Why not put pen to paper and write a short article for our next Newsletter. There are lots of examples to give you some ideas in our Hints & Tips section on the WEB. Don't forget, if you attend a conference, please send in an article about it.
We are also looking to expand the range of Industrial Applications of XRD on our WEB Site. All we need are a few well-chosen pictures and a few words. How about something on CEMENTS, MINERALS, MUSEUMS, PHOTOGRAPHY, DETERGENTS, PIGMENTS, POLYMERS

The Industrial Group is always looking for new sponsors for the group newsletter.
Potential sponsors, whether individuals or companies, should contact the editor or any member of the Industrial Group Committee for further information.
Sponsors will have an acknowledgement on the front page of the newsletter and if relevant, the company logo and web address.

Web Editor

Changes to BCA Industrial Group Constitution.

The AGM at Loughborough approved changes to the Constitution.

Following discussion and some minor changes to the wording proposed in the notice of AGM published in the February 2005 Group Newsletter the following revised sections of the constitution were unanimously approved.


The affairs of the Group shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers of the Group together with no more than six Ordinary Members of Committee. Not more than three Officers or Members of the Committee shall be from Academic Institutions. The BCA representative to the ICDD shall be a member of the committee ex officio. Additional members may be co-opted from time to time under Rule 13. The Committee shall be broadly based, with no one field or discipline unduly favoured. Only members of the Group shall be eligible for Membership of the committee.


Vacancies for Officers and Ordinary Members of the Committee shall be filled by election at the Annual General Meeting of the Group. Nominations, which shall be proposed by not less than two members of the Group and shall be accompanied by (a) a brief statement demonstrating the nominee's experience in the application of crystallography to industrial research; and (b) the written consent of the nominee, shall be sent to reach the Honorary Secretary of the Group not later than seven days before the Annual General Meeting.

View a full copy of the updated Group Constitution.

 up arrow

Newsletter Mailing list.

To keep cost down and to ensure that the newsletter gets to the appropriate people it is essential that we know your correct address. Also if there is a more appropriate contact in your organisation or if you no longer require a copy please let us know by contacting any of the committee officers. If you would like an e-mail notification of the WEB posting rather than a paper copy, then send an e-mail to [email protected] - with the title SUBSCRIBE WEB NEWS

E-mail Mailing lists.

The IG sends about six E-mail notices each year to anyone who expresses an interest. These inform of Newsletter postings and the various meetings we organise each year. You can now register for our mailing list online and we always offer an opportunity to be removed from the list with each posting we make. REGISTER NOW!! - follow the link from the IG home page

NEW! We have introduced a dedicated XRF mailing list and will distribute E- Newsletters to subscribers with meeting reports, meeting notices and other news items about XRF. Subscribe for future mailings on our: web form

Situations Vacant:

We plan to start a web page offering links to situations vacant in the XRF and XRD fields. We will not host any advertisements on our own pages but will provide links to other sites advertising suitable jobs.

To have a link to your job vacancies on the IG page contact the IG Web Editor

Go to Situations Vacant Web Page


There is some debate about whether it is possible to generate a grid that has some symmetry and can be related to crystallography. I've tried and failed, although there is a pattern of sorts in the one given below, it is very difficult to solve. The challenge is can you come up with a crystallographically related grid for the next issue.

The solution and the best of your crystallographic grids will be published in the next issue. Sudo1 (7K)

Large Cursors and Pointers.

Tony North started a discussion in Crystallography News about using the mouse pointer rather than a laser pointer when giving presentations. This means that you don't turn your back on the audience.

The custom pointer is too small so David Watkin in the last issue gave further details and supplied a couple of more suitable cursors. We have now made these available for download from the IG web pages and also added a couple more that identify with the BCA. You can view these on the web page and we give more information on other sources of cursors and how to install them. Currently this only applies to Windows systems. If you have solved the problem for other operating systems then please let us know.

Can you design a better BCA pointer? If so send them to the IG Web Editor and we will install the best on our web pages.

Go to CURSORS Web Page

Struggling with Rietveld?

The IG plan to make data available on the web from the quantitative round robin we ran a couple of years ago.

You will be able to download the inorganic and organic scans along with coordinates and the definitive results. This will give you everything you need to test that your procedures give the right results.

Don't have Rietveld software? Then make sure you attend the Autumn meeting where the CCP14 presentation will include more details on what is available for download. We will also try to fit some discussion on Rietveld problems into the Autumn meeting session.

Visit the download page.

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Last updated 21-September-2005
 up arrowReport any errors or omissions on this page to the Industrial Group Webmaster, e-mail: djtaylor@lineone.net
© Copyright 2005, BCA. All rights reserved.