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September 2005 - techniques

Big Cursor Examples

See the letters from Tony North and David Watkin in Crystallography News for the background to this page.

Give the example big pointers for your Powerpoint presentations below a try. Just hover your mouse over each box of text below. Download any you like by clicking on the text in the box of your choice.

A. BCA Ind Grp - Hover over this text and you will see an example cursor appear. To download this cursor just click the text! B. BCA - Hover over this text and you will see an example cursor appear. To download this cursor just click the text! C. Watkin - Hover over this text and you will see an example cursor appear. To download this cursor just click the text! D. Left Arrow - Hover over this text and you will see an example cursor appear. To download this cursor just click the text!
E. BCA Ind Grp - Hover over this text and you will see an example cursor appear. To download this cursor just click the text! F. BCA - Hover over this text and you will see an example cursor appear. To download this cursor just click the text! G. Watkin - Hover over this text and you will see an example cursor appear. To download this cursor just click the text! H. Right Arrow - Hover over this text and you will see an example cursor appear. To download this cursor just click the text!


If your pointer doesn't change over each box I'm afraid your browser does not support this advanced action please view the cursor images at the bottom of this page.

Using the pointers.
For Windows XP, the cursor file (.cur) you download must be put in the folder WINDOWS\CURSORS

To select the cursor you want to use its: START> SETTINGS> CONTROL PANEL> MOUSE> POINTERS > BROWSE

Pressing CTRL/A during your PowerPoint presentation keeps the cursor on the screen even if it is inactive.

Can you design a better BCA pointer? Send your design to the IG Web Editor. The best submissions will be added to this page.

If the cursors didn't show up in the table above you can view their images below. If you want to download one of these cursors, then use its identifying letter and click in the appropriate box in the table above to download it.
PLEASE NOTE that black areas will be transparent in cursor use!

A.Click in box A above to download    B.Click in box B above to download    C.Click in box C above to download   D.Click in box D above to download   E.Click in box E above to download   F.Click in box F above to download   G.Click in box G above to download   H.Click in box H above to download

 up arrowReport any errors or omissions on this page to the Industrial Group WebEditor, E-mail Web master
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