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BCA Gift Aid

Self-Assessment Tax Return Donations


If you haven't signed up yet, why not download the Gift Aid application form, and sign up now NOW!

Have I already signed up?

You can check for your membership number against our list of Gift Aid declarations. Your membership number is be given on your annual membership renewal documents. The list consists of membership numbers only (data protection prevents us from listing names) who have signed a gift aid declaration in favour of the British Crystallographic Association before September 2002. Currently, only 20% of the membership are on our Gift Aid register!

You can revoke your gift aid declaration at any time by informing the BCA Administrative Office.

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a UK Government Inland Revenue scheme enabling charities to reclaim tax on monies received from individuals.

If you pay your membership subscription and/or donations personally (i.e. not by university or company cheque) then the BCA can reclaim 28p for every £1 paid after 6th April 2000 from the Inland Revenue.

Use the Gift Aid calculator to see the benefits!

The only restriction is that you pay at least the amount claimed in UK income or capital gains tax.

Why should I sign up?

It doesn't cost you anything, it's simple to do, and, most importantly, the benefits go straight into bursaries!

The BCA has already reclaimed £668 in 2001 and £708 in 2002, so please sign up now!

Only 20% of the membership are on our Gift Aid register!

How do I sign up?

To register for the BCA Gift Aid scheme all you need to do is to fill out the application form (see "Signing Up" above) and post it to the BCA Administrative Office.

Once you have agreed to become a BCA gift aid donor the BCA will reclaim tax each year until you revoke your declaration.

You can revoke your gift aid declaration at any time by informing the BCA Administrative Office.

Pay higher rate tax?

For higher rate tax payers, both the BCA and the individual benefit (by making a claim on your self-assessment tax return). How much is the benefit? Use the gift aid calculator to work it out!

If you have any queries or uncertainties about the Gift Aid scheme, please don't hesitate to contact the BCA Administrative Office or the BCA Treasurer directly.

Self-Assessment Tax Return Donations

Members can opt to donate all or part of any tax return to the BCA through our unique code for the self-assessment tax return scheme: QAJ89BG. Any proceeds will be added to the Arnold Beevers Bursary Fund. Please contact the BCA Treasurer for more information.

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