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Donations and Legacies to the BCA

Making a Donation

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The generosity of BCA members in making donations to our designated reserved funds helps keep our subscription fees low.

Please consider making a donation when you complete your membership form. If you pay by standing order you can always complete a new authority to include a regular donation. If you just want to make a one off donation then simply download the form and send it to the BCA Administrative Office.

Donations can be allocated to:

Please complete a Gift Aid declaration if you pay UK tax.


Legacies in favour of the British Crystallographic Association

Charity Registration 284718

A legacy is simply a gift that enables you to continue to provide benefits to people or institutions after your death.

If you are considering having your Will drawn up for the first time or perhaps re-written, you might like to include the British Crystallographic Association amongst your list of beneficiaries. If you already have an existing Will you might consider making a Codicil to your Will to add a legacy to the British Crystallographic Association. A codicil is in effect a supplementary Will, it refers directly to the original Will and changes or adds to it as necessary. Writing a codicil obviates the need to re-draft the original Will. The Association has charitable status, so any gift that you make to the Association will be exempt from Inheritance Tax and may reduce the tax liability on your estate.

General Legacy:
A general legacy is most welcome as it enables the Association to apply funds immediately and directly to areas where they are deemed by Council to be most needed at that time.

Bursary Fund:
Your gift will provide funding for trainee crystallographers or those in the early years of their careers. The fund is used to help with the costs of attending conferences to further their knowledge and disseminate their research.

Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Fund:
Your gift will contribute towards the cost of prizes and expenses to the recipients of this prestigious award.

Types of Legacy

There are four forms that a legacy may take:

Making your legacy

If you wish to discuss further how you can support the Association's work through a legacy the BCA Treasurer will be happy to advise. We do however strongly recommend that you also contact a solicitor or qualified will-writer and discuss with them which type of legacy would be the most appropriate for you to make, and how you can best benefit the British Crystallographic Association after your death.

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