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European Crystallographic Association

Individual Membership

BCA members are invited to become individual members of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA). ECA is the regional organisation representing crystallographers in Europe and Africa, and is the body through which organisation of the major European Crystallographic Meetings (ECM) is carried out. The ECA itself has a vibrant scientific structure, with 13 Special Interest Groups established to date - the programme for ECM meetings is largely constructed around input from the SIGs. Individual Members have the right to elect their representatives for the Council (1 Councillor elected per 100 Individual Members), and can propose to set up a SIG. Individual members also receive substantial discounts on registration fees for ECM meetings.

Equally importantly, for a modest annual fee of 10 Euros (approx. £6.50), you will be helping to strengthen your professional environment within Europe and will help the development of the Association and its work.

The BCA Treasurer has offered to collect individual membership fees from BCA members on behalf of the ECA, and incorporate these into a single payment, which is highly cost-effective. To join the ECA, download and complete a Membership Application Form (PDF format). A version is available in RTF format.

More information on the ECA can be found on http://www.ecanews.org/.

Chick Wilson
ECA Councillor

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