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Arnold Beevers Bursary Fund

BCA Council gratefully acknowledges several generous donations to the fund and welcomes further contributions to this worthwhile cause.

Applying for Bursaries in 2008/9

Arnold Beevers Bursaries are available to members (see below) and only on-line applications are accepted.

Bursaries for the BCA York Spring Meeting (8-10 April 2008)

A limited number of bursaries are available from the Arnold Beevers Bursary Fund to cover the cost of registration, two nights basic accommodation, and food (including conference dinner). The bursary will not cover travel expenses and recipients will be expected to present a poster. Council is seeking commercial sponsors of Spring Meeting Bursaries and it is hoped to again offer some Named Bursaries at this meeting. The closing date for all applications is 4th February 2008 (as per abstract deadline) and you must apply online.

Bursaries for other BCA Meetings and Schools

These are administered directly by the organisers of the Meeting or Teaching School. They will publicise the procedure for their bursary applications, whether funded by the BCA itself or a constituent group.

General Bursaries

Arnold Beevers Bursaries are available to members (see point (a) below) who wish to attend relevant scientific meetings in the UK or abroad, which are not organised by the BCA. All applications are considered by the BCA Bursary Committee, comprising the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary and are guided by the following considerations:

  1. The bursaries are primarily intended to support bona fide research students and postdoctoral workers who are BCA members. Applications from those with more senior non-tenured positions, and from those in junior permanent positions where university or industrial funds are unavailable, may be supported at the discretion of the BCA Bursary Committee if BCA funds are available.
  2. Applicants must normally have been a BCA member for 6 months before applying.
  3. Applicants will not normally be considered if they have been awarded a general bursary in the previous two years.
  4. Preference will be given to applicants who have attended a BCA meeting. Applications must be received at least 6 weeks before the date of the meeting/visit. No retrospective applications are possible.

Successful applicants are expected to submit a word-processed short scientific report on the meeting/visit soon after their return; this should include details of the sessions attended and of the applicant's presentation. The reports may be submitted via electronic mail to the BCA Administrative Office and may be published later in Crystallography News or on the web.

Apply now: Click Here.

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