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Arnold Beevers Bursary Fund: Electronic Application Form


Your Details:
Title: *
First Name:         *
Initial(s):     (excluding first name initial)
Surname: *
E-mail: *
(Essential contact information - carefully check for typing errors)
WARNING: hotmail.com addresses do not work

Your Postal Address for Correspondence:
Address (building):  
Address (street / PO box):       *
Address (town): *
Address (county / state):  
Address (country): *
Address (post/zip code): *
Telephone: *

Your Application Information:
Present Position: *
    (with start date plus expected final date if fixed term contract)
Present Means of Financial Support:       *
Date of Joining BCA: * Year:   and Month: (if within last 2 years)
BCA Membership Number: *

Have you ever successfully applied for a BCA bursary before?
      NO       YES
If YES, then complete details below:
      Previous Spring Meeting Bursary - State Year(s) (e.g. 2005, 2006, 2007):      
      Previous General Bursary - State Year(s) (e.g. 2005):
BCA meetings attended in last three years:
BCA Spring Meetings:     BCA Group Meetings:

The Meeting Details
Meeting / Visit to be Attended: *
Meeting Web Site:  
Place of Meeting / Visit: *
Date(s) of Meeting / Visit: *
Date by which ABBF funding decision needed?     *

What is the value of your participation for:   (Note: each fields below is limited to 240 characters)
(a) Your scientific career? *
(b) The conference/host institution? *
(c) Your home laboratory? *

What are the approximate meeting costs in GBP (£) for:
(a) Travel? * £
(b) Subsistence? * £
(c) Registration? * £
(d) Total Amount?   * £

Other sources of financial support for this meeting/visit:
(a) Amounts already in place? * £ ...funding sources >>
(b) Amounts still being sought? * £ ...funding sources >>
(c) Procedure of last resort in case of shortfall? *

Contact details for the Head of Department / Supervisor who will be asked to support your application
Head of Department / Supervisors Name: *
Head of Department / Supervisors E-mail: *
Note: Please ensure that the above person is aware of your application and inform them that they will be asked for a letter of support!

Any further details and/or comments? (Note: field below is limited to 240 characters)

If your application is sucessfull who should your Arnold Beevers Bursary fund cheque be made payable to?

Click the first button below to send: you will get an email to confirm your application which will contain a unique application number which must be quoted in all correspondence. Your supervisor will be contacted to give support to your application. The BCA administrative office will check the details of your application and forward it to the BCA Bursary committee (the BCA officers) for consideration.


WARNING: DO NOT press SUBMIT until you have checked the details entered are correct! The form will be rejected if any fields marked with an * are blank and you risk having to re-enter all the data again (unless it is still in cache)!

Please note: by submitting this form you accept that your details will be temporarily recorded (usually for a few seconds). As soon as the details are transmitted electronically to the BCA administrative team, no further details will be kept on this server in accordance with the current UK Data Protection Act.

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