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Instructions for Joining the BCA

How to Join

Simply download and print out a copy of the 2007 membership form, complete, and return by post to the BCA Administrative Office with your payment. If you are paying by credit card you can also submit your application by Fax.

Please consider adding a donation which goes directly to "good works" and helps keep membership fees low which is of particular benefit to our younger members. Please take a moment to look at gift aid: you may be able to make the fee worth even more!

If you require a hardcopy of the form or any other assistance, then please contact the BCA Administrative Office.

Individual Membership Subscription Rates

Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December each year. If you join between 30th September and 31st December you will be enrolled for the following year. Applications processed before the December edition of Crystallography News is posted out will, subject to availability, receive a complimentary copy of the newsletter! If you join between 1st January and 30th September you will be enrolled for the remainder of that year.

(A) Standard Membership Subscription Rates

Note that concessions are available to students, the unemployed, and our retired members only.

Membership Grade Fee (by Cheque/Standing Order/CC)
Full Membership £20.00
Concessions £10.00

(B) Only for Student Members - Three Year Term payment £27.50

Postgraduate students are strongly encouraged to join for the whole period of their PhD training and this option is designed to make this easier.

(C) Only for Overseas Members - Five Year Term payment £100.00 (in GBP)

This recognises the difficulty and cost associated with our valued overseas members making payment in pounds sterling. Note that payment by credit card is the best option for overseas members.

(D) Special Rates apply for members of the Institute of Physics who pay a supplement to the IoP Structural Condensed Matter Physics Group

Membership Grade Fee (by Cheque/Standing Order/CC)
Members of IoP SCMP Group £7.00

Details on Corporate Membership are given elsewhere.


Payment must be in Pounds Sterling (GBP) and cheques must be drawn on a UK bank. Payment by Credit Card (CC) is the best option for our overseas members.

© Copyright.  British Crystallographic Association.