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BCA Membership

BCA Membership

Thank you for your interest in BCA membership, BCA Council hopes that you will join our 1000+ membership.

Why join the BCA?

The BCA is a UK registered charity founded in 1982 to advance the education of the public in the science of crystallography, particularly within the British Isles.

Some Benefits of Individual Membership

  1. THE professional organisation for crystallographers in the UK.
  2. Comprehensive schedule of UK meetings, including the Annual BCA Meeting each Spring, plus one-day meetings and workshops organised by the four subject groups.
  3. Avoid non-member supplements for meetings organised under BCA auspices.
  4. Regular listings of meetings of crystallographic interest, both in the UK and worldwide.
  5. After 6 months of membership, students and postdocs can apply for an Arnold Beevers Bursary award for attendance at any relevant scientific meeting.
  6. Receive a free copy of Crystallography News in A4 format every quarter; the BCA newsletter is full of crystallographic news and information, product advertisements, meeting schedules, job listings, etc.
  7. Receive optional and occasional E-mail notifications of news items and meeting information.
  8. NEW starting 2003! Receive a BCA Spring Meeting special edition of "Crystallography Reviews" each year.
  9. Have your say in the development of crystallography, and nominate and vote for BCA Officers, Council Members and subject-group Committee Members, or even stand for office yourself!
  10. Current subscription covers UK membership of the European Crystallographic Association and over half the UK subscription to the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr).

So join the BCA now!

Members names, addresses, and details of their choice of BCA Groups and date of payment of subscriptions are held in a computer database, to simplify our membership records and for the mailing of Crystallography News.

Members can check details of their entry in the BCA database at any time by contacting the BCA Administrative Office, or interactively at the Annual Spring Meeting.

Members may update their details either on-line or by contacting the BCA Administrative Office directly.

Contacting the BCA

There are three main contacts regarding BCA matters:

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