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Gift Aid Calculator

The following form uses a JavaScript routine to calculates the extra value of a gift aid donation. It will not work unless you have JavaScript enabled on your browser.

Simply type numbers into the first box and press the "calculate" button.

Gift Aid Calculator

Proposed Donation: £ Basic Tax Rate (%)

Full Value to BCA with Gift Aid: £

But if you pay a higher tax rate of 40% then you may reclaim
(on your self-assesment income tax form) higher-rate relief of: £

Modified from a design by IT For Charities

For a £100 donation the BCA receives £128.21 from basic-rate taxpayers who are registered for Gift Aid.

For higher-rate (currently 40%) tax payers, a £100 donation effectively only costs you £76.92 because you can claim back £23.08 on your tax return and the BCA still gets £128.21!

If you haven't signed up yet, why not download the Gift Aid application form, and sign up now NOW!

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