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BCA Spring Meeting 2004

Tuesday 6th to Thursday 8th April 2004

Satellite Meetings

SRS Specialist User Group Meeting, 4-5 April 2004, Manchester
BCA Young Crystallographers' Meeting, 5-6 April 2004, Manchester

(Last updated: 17 March 2004)

Several pages of information are now being made available here (as they become available):

The on-line scientific program will be updated on a continuing basis: additional details will be added when organisers and program speakers make additional information known.

General Information

2004 BCA Spring Meeting

The BCA Spring Meeting will take place in the Renold Building, part of the Manchester Conference Centre at UMIST. The conference facilities at UMIST are excellent for both delegates and exhibitors. The facilities are centrally located (see map) and are easily accessible both by public transport (just a few minutes walk from Manchester Picadilly rail and Chorlton Street Coach stations) and by car (see below). All scientific sessions, poster sessions, and a commercial exhibition will take place in the Renold Building. Both en-suite and standard accomodation is of high quality and is a short walk from the conference venue. Car Parking

Car parking for 700 vehicles is available on-site at a cost of £8.00 per day.

Registration, Accommodation, Meals, & Form


The BCA Council is pleased to announce that One-Day Registration will again be available at the Spring Meeting in Manchester.

The registration fees are as follows:

Early Registration (before 5 March) Fee
Full Registration £130.00
Student/Unemployed/Retired (students require the signature of the Head of Department) £65.00
One-Day Registration (per day - no concessions) £65.00
Late Registration (after 5 March)
Late Full Registration Fee (no concessions) £180.00
Late One-Day Registration (per day - no concessions) £90.00
Non BCA Member Surcharge £25.00

Please note that the deadline for early registrations is 5 March 2004ALL registrations received after this date will be charged the late registration rate.


Two types of accomodation are available at UMIST:

Standard B&B       £25.10 per night
En-suite B&B £35.00 per night

All accommodation is located in the Weston and Chandos building, a short walk from the conference centre. Breakfast will be served in the nearby Barnes Wallis restaurant.

Please note that en-suite accommodation is limited and will be allocated on a first come basis, so early registration is recommended.


Morning coffee, afternoon tea, and lunch will be served in the exhibition area, close to all lecture theatres. The cost of the packed lunch is £6.50.

Dinners (including the conference dinner) will be served in the nearby Barnes Wallis restaurant.

Lunch and dinner must be booked in advance and will be ticketed.

Registration Form

The registration form is available on-line as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (bca04reg.pdf).

Please do not forget to send your payment with your form.

Printed versions of the form were supplied with the December 2003 issue of Crystallography News, and are available on request from the BCA Administrative Office (for those without access to a printer).


Submission of abstracts will be electronic only. The BCA is grateful to RAL for hosting the abstract service and preparing the abstract booklet. For instructions on abstract submission, please visit the URL: http://www.isis.rl.ac.uk/bca2004/. If you have any queries concerning abstract submission, then please email: [email protected].

The deadline for abstract submission is 20 February 2004.


More information on poster presentations and poster boards will be given on the abstracts web site above.

Bursary Applications

A limited number of bursaries are available from the Arnold Beevers Bursary Fund to cover the cost of two nights accomodation, meals (including the Conference Dinner) and registration. The bursary will not cover travel expenses and recipients will be expected to present a poster.

Council is again seeking commercial support of Spring Meeting Busraries at £150 per student and it is hoped that some named bursaries will be awarded at this meeting.

Individual BCA members may also wish to give a living legacy by sponsoring their own named student bursary. All sponsors will receive a certificate of appreciation and be acknowledged in the annual bursary report.

The closing date for all applications is Friday 20th February 2004. Only on-line applications from the BCA web site will be accepted.

Commercial Exhibition

A record breaking commercial exhibition is an important feature of the Spring Meeting. So far for the 2004 meeting in Manchester, the following commercial companies will be exhibiting:

  • Beevers Miniature Models
  • Bruker AXS Ltd
  • Crystal Impact Gbr
  • DataCentric Automation/Hamilton GB Ltd
  • Douglas Instruments Ltd
  • Fluidigm Europe
  • Genomic Solutions
  • HiltonBrooks Ltd
  • International Centre for Diffraction Data
  • International Union of Crystallography
  • MarResearch
  • Molecular Dimensions Ltd
  • Nextal Biotechnologies
  • Oxford Cryosystems
  • Oxford Diffraction Ltd
  • Oxford University Press
  • PANalytical Ltd
  • Perkinelmer LAS
  • Rigaku/MSC

This is the only meeting in the UK this year which gives you the opportunity to update your product knowledge from such a diverse range of suppliers. Registration, refreshment breaks, lunch and the posters are all in the exhibition area. With one day registrations on offer, can you afford to miss this exhibition? The excellent scientific sessions are the bonus that warrant the full three days of your time!

Anyone still interested in exhibiting at this meeting should contact the BCA administrative office as soon as possible.

Social Events

The social programme starts with the opening of the Spring Meeting exhibition on Monday, 5th April, from 19:30 to 22:00 (after the Young Crystallographers' Lonsdale lecture at 18:00). Exhibitors are free to invite visitors to the open exhibition. Visitors do not need to be registered for the main meeting. Early arrivals are also invited to attend. Wine and nibbles will be provided and snacks can be purchased from a cafe adjacent to the exhibition hall (open 19:00 to 21:00).

On Tuesday 6 April, the Posters and Exhibitors Reception will be held in the Exhibition Centre (C8) starting at 18:30 with a buffer dinner from 19:00 hrs. Delegates will have the opportunity to chat with exhibitors and poster presenters in a relaxed, informal setting. The cost of the buffet dinner is included in the registration fee. As a change this year, the traditional oral poster presentations will take place during the Young Crystallographers Sessions.

The main conference dinner will be after the Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Lecture on Wednesday evening and costs £30 (reduced to £15 for students) as indicated on the registration form.

Scientific Program

The scientific sessions for the 2004 BCA Meeting will again concentrate on "hot-topics" in the field of crystallography. The main theme and Plenary Session is on Catalysis: from Metals to Macromolecules, this will lead into two sub-themes on Molecules in Medicine covering both chemical and biological aspects and Catalysis in Industry. There will be sessions on Small Angle X-ray Scattering, which will include a lecture on calibration, thus offering a good introduction to this subject and an indication of the pitfalls. Similarly Incommensurate Structures will be covered with sessions and a workshop. Another topic of importance to all crystallographers is The Use of International Tables. The emphasis will be on symmetry, for those interested in a deeper insight, this will be followed by a session on The Use of International Tables: Advanced Aspects of Symmetry. There will be other more specialized sessions including Non-Bonded Interactions, Methods in Macromolecular Crystallography, and Instrument Calibration as well as workshops on the practical use of MSD Databases and the CRYSTALS software suites. There will be a Special Interest Group session on Diamond that should be of interest to a large proportion of the crystallographic community.

The Bragg Lecture will be incorporated into the UMIST BCA as well as the Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Lecture. The Prize Lectures for the Physical and Chemical Crystallography Groups will take place as usual, as well as the general Poster Sessions. Prior to the main meeting there will be sessions organized by the Young Crystallographers and this will include the oral poster sessions as well as the Kathleen Lonsdale Lecture.

Details of individual sessions are available by clicking on the timetable below or by downloading the full program (in a format which is more suitable for printing).

Scientific Timetable

Details of individual sessions are available by clicking on the links within the timetable.

  Monday 5 April
13:30-15:00 Young Crystallographers Sessions
15:00-15:30 Afternoon Tea & Exhibition
15:30-16:30 Young Crystallographers Sessions
16:30-17:30 Oral Posters: BSG, CCG, PCG, and IG
17:30-18:30 Dinner
18:30-19:30 Kathleen Lonsdale Lecture
Elspeth Garman (Oxford)
19:30-22:00 Young Crystallographers Mixer & Exhibition
  Tuesday 6 April
  8:30-10:30 Young Crystallographers Sessions BCA Council Meeting (D6)
10:30-11:00 Registration, Morning Coffee & Exhibition
Plenary Session: Catalysis: from Metals to Macromolecules
James Naismith (St. Andrews), Guy Orpen (Bristol)
12:30-13:30 Lunch & Exhibition
Plenary Session: Catalysis: from Metals to Macromolecules
Jim Kaduk (BP Amoco), Phil Woodruff (Warwick)
15:00-15:30 Afternoon Tea & Exhibition
Plenary Lecture: The Bragg Lecture
John Finney (UCL)
16:40-18:00 Diamond SIG
18:30-22:00 Posters & Exhibition
Buffet & Wine Reception (19:00)
  Wednesday 7 April
Session 1 2 3 4
Molecules in Medicine   Incommensurate Structures Instrument Calibration:
How to be a Star!
10:00-10:30 Morning Coffee & Exhibition
Biomolecules in Medicine Molecules in Medicine : Chemical Aspects Incommensurate Structures
Instrument Calibration:
How to be a Star!

12:00-12:30 Lunch & Exhibition AGM: CCG Lunch & Exhibition AGM: IG
12:30-13:00 Lunch & Exhibition
Lunch & Exhibition
13:00-13:30 Methods in Macromolecular Crystallography Incommensurate Structures
  Small Angle Scattering
14:30-15:00 Afternoon Tea & Exhibition AGM: PCG
15:00-15:30 Methods in Macromolecular Crystallography
Afternoon Tea & Exhibition
PCG & CCG Prize Lectures Catalysis in Industry
16:20-16:30 AGM: BSG
16:35-17:20 BCA AGM
Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Lecture
George Sheldrick (Goettingen)
Conference Dinner
  Thursday 8 April
Session 1 2 3 4
MSD Database Services
A Practical Session
Use of International Tables - Symmetry  
10:00-10:30 Morning Coffee & Exhibition
MSD Database Services
A Practical Session

Non-Bonded Interactions Use of International Tables:
Advanced Aspects of Symmetry
Small Angle Scattering
12:00-13:00 Lunch & Exhibition
  Non-Bonded Interactions
CRYSTALS Workshop Small Angle Scattering
14:30-15:30 Afternoon Tea & Exhibition
15:00-17:00 BCA Council Meeting (D6)

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