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BCA Spring Meeting 2004

University of Manchester

Tuesday 6 March to Thursday 8 April 2004

Scientific Program

Parallel Session: Instrument Calibration: How to be a Star!

Wednesday 7 April, 8:30 - 10:00 & 10:30 - 12:00 (Room D2)

Chair: Jeremy Karl Cockcroft (Birkbeck College)

One of the themes chosen by the Industrial Group this year is on the theme of collecting ICDD * quality data, a pertinent subject for those working with powder diffractometers in both industry and academia. The session kicks off with an introductory session to explain the criteria of a "star" (*) quality pattern in the Powder Diffraction File (PDF), a description of the procedure and requirements for submitting new "star" patterns to the database, and a look at the checks needed to ensure that your equipment gives "star" quality data and the standards and tools that can help you.

Detailed Programme

08:30 Dave Taylor (ICDD) - Introduction to Instrument Calibration Session

09:30 Manfred Kreichbaum (Austrian Academy of Sciences) - Aspects of Calibration in SAXS

10:00 (Coffee & Exhibition)

10:30 Steve Norval (ICI plc) - The European XRPD Standard

11:00 Martin Vickers (Birkbeck College) - Lined-Up or Spot-On? The Ups and Downs of Diffractometer Alignment

11:20 Judith Shackleton (Manchester) - Calibration of Residual Stress Diffractometers with Particular Reference to Curved Specimens

11:40 David Beveridge (Ilford Imaging UK Ltd.) - Calibration for Silver Halides