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BCA Spring Meeting 2004

University of Manchester

Tuesday 6 March to Thursday 8 April 2004

Full Scientific Program
(Ordered only approximately by date and time)

(Last updated 18 March 2004)


The scientific sessions for the 2004 BCA Meeting will again concentrate on "hot-topics" in the field of crystallography. The main theme and Plenary Session is on Catalysis: from Metals to Macromolecules, this will lead into two sub-themes on Molecules in Medicine covering both chemical and biological aspects and Catalysis in Industry. There will be sessions on Small Angle X-ray Scattering, which will include a lecture on calibration, thus offering a good introduction to this subject and an indication of the pitfalls. Similarly Incommensurate Structures will be covered with sessions and a workshop. Another topic of importance to all crystallographers is The Use of International Tables. The emphasis will be on symmetry, for those interested in a deeper insight, this will be followed by a session on The Use of International Tables: Advanced Aspects of Symmetry. There will be other more specialized sessions including Non-Bonded Interactions, Methods in Macromolecular Crystallography, and Instrument Calibration as well as workshops on the practical use of MSD Databases and the CRYSTALS software suites. There will be a Special Interest Group session on Diamond that should be of interest to a large proportion of the crystallographic community.

The Bragg Lecture will be incorporated into the UMIST BCA as well as the Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Lecture. The Prize Lectures for the Physical and Chemical Crystallography Groups will take place as usual, as well as the general Poster Sessions. Prior to the main meeting there will be sessions organized by the Young Crystallographers and this will include the oral poster sessions as well as the Kathleen Lonsdale Lecture.

An overview of the scientific program is given in the timetable.

Plenary Session: Catalysis: from Metals to Macromolecules

Tuesday 6 April, 11:00 - 12:30 & 13:30 - 15:00 (Room C2)

Chair: Paul Fewster (PANalytical)

The conference is opened with the plenary session and there are four speakers covering the theme "Catalysis: from Metals to Macromolecules".

Detailed Programme

11:00 Welcome address by the President: Chick Wilson

11:02 James Naismith (St Andrews) - Activation of Inorganic Fluoride

11:45 (Short Break)

11:47 Guy Orpen (Bristol) - Structural Systematics of Phosphine Ligands for Homogeneous Catalysis

12:30 (Lunch & Exhibition)

13:30 Jim Kaduk (BP Amoco Chemicals, USA) - Extra Framework Species in Zeolite Y at Non-Ambient Conditions

14:14 (Short Break)

14:16 Philip Woodruff (Warwick & FHI Berlin) Surface Crystallography and its Relation to Catalysis

Prize & Named Lectures

The Spring Meeting of the British Crystallographic Association regularly has a number of prize and named lectures to recognise the achievements of both young and established crystallographers. In 2004 at Manchester, there will be a Kathleen Lonsdale lecture at the Young Crystallographer session, a Bragg lecture, and the Dorothy Hodgkin Prize lecture, together with prize lectures in chemical and physical crystallography sponsored by CCDC and PANalytical, respectively. The various lectures are listed below in date and time order:

Young Crystallographers Session: Kathleen Lonsdale Lecture

Monday 5 April, 18:00 - 19:00 (Room ?)

Detailed Programme

18:00 Elsbeth Garman (Oxford) - T.B.A.

Plenary Session: The Bragg Lecture

Tuesday 6 April, 15:30 - 16:35 (Room C2)

Chair: John Helliwell (Manchester)

Detailed Programme

15:30 Alan Gilbert (Vice Chancellor of Manchester University) - Opening Remarks

15:35 John Finney (UCL) - Beyond Bragg's Law: Crystallography without a Lattice

Parallel Session: PCG and CCG Prize Lectures

Wednesday 7 April, 15:30 - 16:30 (Room C2)

Chairs: Pamela Thomas (PCG) and Sandy Blake (CCG)

This session sees the presentation of the PANalytical Prize and the CCDC / CCG Prize, both for outstanding young crystallographers. The award presentations are followed by the Prize lectures.

Detailed Programme

15:30 The PANalytical Prize: to be announced on the day

16:00 The CCDC / CCG Prize for Younger Scientists:

Mary-Jane Tremayne (Birmingham) - T.B.A.

Plenary Session: Dorothy Hodgkin Prize Lecture

Wednesday 7 April, 17:30 - 18:30 (Room C2)

Chair: Chick Wilson (RAL and Glasgow)

Detailed Programme

17:30 George Sheldrick (Goettingen, Germany) - Reflections on the Crystallographic Phase Problem

Plenary Session: Diamond SIG

Tuesday 6 April, 16:40 - 18:00 (Room C2)

Chair: Paul Raithby (Bath)

As anyone who has recently visited the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories will know, construction for Diamond is now well under way: the foundations are built and the steel framework for the ring and main buildings are being rapidly assembled (e.g. see the photographs in the March edition of Crystallography News).

The plenary session will provide an update on the development of beamlines that are of interest to the crystallographic community, and include a discussion of the lines that have been approved and of those that are currently under consideration. The session will end with an open discussion on matters of general interest with respect to Diamond.

Detailed Programme

16:40 John Evans (Southampton) - Opportunities for the Diamond Light Source

17:10 Liz Duke (Diamond Light Source) - Plans for the Macromolecular Crystallography Beamlines on Diamond

17:40 General Discussion

Parallel Session: Molecules in Medicine

Wednesday 7 April, 8:30 - 10:00 (Room C2)

Chair: Christine Cardin (Reading)

Molecules in medicine is a theme that cuts across both biological and chemical crystallography. The early morning session is therefore a joint session on this subject, and this is followed by individual sessions on biomolecules in medicine and chemical aspects of this subject.

Detailed Programme

08:30 Malcolm Walkinshaw (Edinburgh) - The Role of Protein-Ligand Crystal Complexes in Drug Discovery

09:15 Gary Parkinson (London) - Diverse DNA Structures and Ligand Design in Cancer Therapeutics

Parallel Session: Biomolecules in Medicine

Wednesday 7 April, 10:30 - 12:00 (Room H11)

Chair: T.B.A.

Detailed Programme

10:30 J P Derrick (UMIST) - Structure and Function of Outer Membrane Proteins from the Meningitis-Causing Bacterium Neisseria Meningitidis

11:00 T.B.A.

11:30 T.B.A.

Parallel Session: Molecules in Medicine: Chemical Aspects

Wednesday 7 April, 10:30 - 12:00 (Room C2)

Chair: Jonathan Charmant (Bristol)

Detailed Programme

10:30 Neil Feeder (Pfizer) - Selection of the Optimum Solid Form for Drug Delivery

11:00 Carl Schwalbe (Aston) - From Small Molecule Structures to Medicines

11:30 Bill David (ISIS) - In-Situ Dehydration Studies of Pharmaceutical Compounds

Parallel Session: Methods in Macromolecular Crystallography

Wednesday 7 April, 13:00 - 14:30 (Room H11) & 15:00 - 16:20 (Room H11)

Chairs: T.B.A.

One of themes chosen by the Biological Structures Group this year is methods in macromolcular crystallography.

Detailed Programme

13:00 Kim Henrick (EBI) - The MSD Making the Most of your Structure

13:30 J Hadden (Leeds) - Protein Crystallisation: Techniques Makeover

14:00 Martin Walsh (MRC-France, ESRF) - The Changing Face of Macromolecular Data Collection

14:30 (Tea & Exhibition)

15:00 T.B.A. -

15:30 T.B.A. -

16:00 T.B.A. -

Parallel Session: Incommensurate Structures

Wednesday 7 April, 8:30 - 10:00 (Room D7) & 10:30 - 12:00 (Room C2)

Chairs: Ivana Radosavljevic-Evans (Durham) & Pam Thomas (Warwick)

One of themes chosen by the physical crystallography group this year is incommensurate structures - some crystallographers like them and others hate them, perhaps because they find them difficult to understand or model? There are two lecture sessions followed by the workshop in the afternoon on this more advanced topic in crystallography.

Detailed Programme

08:30 Gervais Chapuis (Lausanne, Switzerland) - The Strange World of Aperiodic Crystals

09:15 Vaclav Petricek (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) - Some Practical Aspects of Structure Analaysis of Modulated and Composite Structures

10:00 (Coffee & Exhibition)

10:30 Kenneth Harris (Birmingham / Cardiff) - Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Incommensurate Urea Inclusion Compounds

11:00 Clivia Hejny (Edinburgh) - Incommensurate Structures in Elements at High Pressure

11:30 Rob Hooft (Bruker-Nonius) - A Hexagonal Monster?

Parallel Session: Incommensurate Structures Workshop

Wednesday 7 April, 13:00 - 14:30 (PC Room)

Session leader : Vaclav Petricek (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)

The workshop will be a demonstration of the Jana software package for the refinement of incommensurate crystal structures.

Parallel Session: Instrument Calibration: How to be a Star!

Wednesday 7 April, 8:30 - 10:00 & 10:30 - 12:00 (Room D2)

Chair: Jeremy Karl Cockcroft (Birkbeck College)

One of the themes chosen by the Industrial Group this year is on the theme of collecting ICDD * quality data, a pertinent subject for those working with powder diffractometers in both industry and academia. The session kicks off with an introductory session to explain the criteria of a "star" (*) quality pattern in the Powder Diffraction File (PDF), a description of the procedure and requirements for submitting new "star" patterns to the database, and a look at the checks needed to ensure that your equipment gives "star" quality data and the standards and tools that can help you.

Detailed Programme

08:30 Dave Taylor (ICDD) - Introduction to Instrument Calibration Session

09:30 Manfred Kreichbaum (Austrian Academy of Sciences) - Aspects of Calibration in SAXS

10:00 (Coffee & Exhibition)

10:30 Steve Norval (ICI plc) - The European XRPD Standard

11:00 Martin Vickers (Birkbeck College) - Lined-Up or Spot-On? The Ups and Downs of Diffractometer Alignment

11:20 Judith Shackleton (Manchester) - Calibration of Residual Stress Diffractometers with Particular Reference to Curved Specimens

11:40 David Beveridge (Ilford Imaging UK Ltd.) - Calibration for Silver Halides

Parallel Session: Small Angle Scattering

Wednesday 7 April, 13:30 - 15:00 (Room C2) &
Thursday 8 April, 10:30 - 12:00 (Room C2) & 13:00 - 14:30 (Room H11)

Chairs: Richard Morris (Huntsman Surface Sciences) & Mary Vickers (Cambridge)

Departing from the theme of powder diffraction this year, the Industrial Group has organised a session on small angle scattering, an especially useful technique for studying systems where the particles are too small or insufficiently crystalline for powder diffraction methods.

Detailed Programme on Wednesday:

13:30 Vladimir Kogan (PANalytical) - Comparative SAXS Measurements Performed by Different Techniques

13:50 Manfred Kreichbaum (Austrian Academy of Sciences) - X-Ray Time-Resolved SAXS-Measurements - Structure Research at Synchrotrons

14:10 Mary Vickers (Cambridge) - SAXS Snippets: Solid Polymers to Particles in Solution

14:30 Andrew Harrison (Edinburgh University) - In Situ Diffraction Studies of Microwave-Driven Processes in Materials Chemistry and Biology

Detailed Programme on Thursday:

10:30 Dmitri Svergun (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg Outstation) - Small-Angle Scattering Studies of Biological Macromolecules in Solution

11:00 Richard Morris (Huntsman Surface Sciences) - "He Scrubs Up Well, Doesn't He?" - New Aspects of Expanded Lamellar Surfactants - Sugar Based Exfoliates

11:20 T.B.A. (Bruker AXS) - SAXS from Multi-functional XRD Instruments

11:40 Richard Heenan (ISIS Facility, RAL) - SANS - Practicalities and Prospects

12:00 (Lunch & Exhibition)

13:00 Peter Laity (Cambridge) - Scattering from Segmented Co-polyurethanes - a Reinterpretation of SAXS Data

13:30 Mark Farnworth (Pilkington plc) - X-ray Reflectivity in the Glass Industry

14:00 Richard Clapperton (Huntsman Surface Sciences) - SAXS Interpretation of Deflocculated Vesicles - The route to Superconcentrated Detergents

Parallel Session: Catalysts in Industry

Wednesday 7 April, 15:30 - 16:30 (Room D7)

Chair: Steve Norval (ICI plc)

Continuing the plenary theme of the meeting, the Industrial Group proposes a session on "Catalysis in Industry", often a difficult subject for open discussion given the commercial secrecy involved in many areas of applied catalysis.

Detailed Programme

15:30 Tim Hyde (Johnson Matthey) - X-Ray Diffraction at Johnson Matthey: From Cell Parameter to Fuel Cell

15:50 Steve Norval (ICI plc) - Catalysts in Situ

16:10 Justin Hargreaves University of Glasgow - Powder X-Ray Diffraction and Heterogeneous Catalysis

Parallel Session: MSD Database Services - A Practical Session

Thursday 8 April, 8:30 - 10:00 & 10:30 - 12:00 (PC Room)

Session Leaders : Session Leaders : Kim Henrick & John Tate (EBI)

Parallel Session: Use of International Tables - Symmetry

Thursday 8 April, 8:30 - 10:00 (Room C2) & 10:30 - 12:00 (Room D7)

Session Leaders : Bill Clegg (Newcastle) & Mike Glazer (Oxford)

The opening session can be regarded as a "bread-and-butter" session and is aimed mainly at younger and less experienced crystallographers. Old hands won't be excluded, but they may find it beneath them. The "jam" will be served later in the morning in a more advanced treatment of symmetry aspects.

Detailed Programme

08:30 Bill Clegg (Newcastle) & Jeremy Karl Cockcroft (Birkbeck) - Space Group Tables & Diagrams

10:00 (Coffee & Exhibition)

10:30 Mike Glazer (Oxford) - Advanced Aspects of Symmetry

Parallel Session: Non-Bonded Interactions

Thursday 8 April, 10:30 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 14:30 (Room C2)

Chair: Vanessa Hoy (Accelrys)

One of the themes put forward by the Chemical Crystallography Group this year is non-bonded interactions, a topic involving a mixture of both experimental and database research.

Detailed Programme

10:30 Robin Taylor (CCDC) - Using Crystallographic Databases to learn about Non-Bonded Interactions

11:15 M Madau Babu - T.B.A.

12:00 (Lunch & Exhibition)

13:00 Andrew Parkin (Glasgow) - Probing Hydrogen Bonding using Variable Temperature Diffraction Studies

13:30 Lourdes Infantes (CCDC) - Hydrates: When are they Obtained and What are the Water Interactions in the Structure?

14:00 Jordi Bella (Manchester) - T.B.A.

Parallel Session: CRYSTALS Workshop

Thursday 8 April, 13:00 - 15:00

Organisers: David Watkin & Richard Cooper (Oxford)

The CRYSTALS Workshops attached to previous BCA (and other) meetings have proved astonishingly popular. A similar workshop has been scheduled into the Manchester meeting. It will include a brief presentation on new and changed features, followed by hands-on experience of the current release using available PCs.