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BCA Spring Meeting 2004

University of Manchester

Tuesday 6 March to Thursday 8 April 2004

Scientific Program

Parallel Session: Small Angle Scattering

Wednesday 7 April, 13:30 - 15:00 (Room C2) &
Thursday 8 April, 10:30 - 12:00 (Room C2) & 13:00 - 14:30 (Room H11)

Chairs: Richard Morris (Huntsman Surface Sciences) & Mary Vickers (Cambridge)

Departing from the theme of powder diffraction this year, the Industrial Group has organised a session on small angle scattering, an especially useful technique for studying systems where the particles are too small or insufficiently crystalline for powder diffraction methods.

Detailed Programme on Wednesday:

13:30 Vladimir Kogan (PANalytical) - Comparative SAXS Measurements Performed by Different Techniques

13:50 Manfred Kreichbaum (Austrian Academy of Sciences) - X-Ray Time-Resolved SAXS-Measurements - Structure Research at Synchrotrons

14:10 Mary Vickers (Cambridge) - SAXS Snippets: Solid Polymers to Particles in Solution

14:30 Andrew Harrison (Edinburgh University) - In Situ Diffraction Studies of Microwave-Driven Processes in Materials Chemistry and Biology

Detailed Programme on Thursday:

10:30 Dmitri Svergun (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg Outstation) - Small-Angle Scattering Studies of Biological Macromolecules in Solution

11:00 Richard Morris (Huntsman Surface Sciences) - "He Scrubs Up Well, Doesn't He?" - New Aspects of Expanded Lamellar Surfactants - Sugar Based Exfoliates

11:20 T.B.A. (Bruker AXS) - SAXS from Multi-functional XRD Instruments

11:40 Richard Heenan (ISIS Facility, RAL) - SANS - Practicalities and Prospects

12:00 (Lunch & Exhibition)

13:00 Peter Laity (Cambridge) - Scattering from Segmented Co-polyurethanes - a Reinterpretation of SAXS Data

13:30 Mark Farnworth (Pilkington plc) - X-ray Reflectivity in the Glass Industry

14:00 Richard Clapperton (Huntsman Surface Sciences) - SAXS Interpretation of Deflocculated Vesicles - The route to Superconcentrated Detergents