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BCA Spring Meeting 2004

University of Manchester

Tuesday 6 March to Thursday 8 April 2004

Scientific Program

Parallel Session: Incommensurate Structures

Wednesday 7 April, 8:30 - 10:00 (Room D7) & 10:30 - 12:00 (Room C2)

Chairs: Ivana Radosavljevic-Evans (Durham) & Pam Thomas (Warwick)

One of themes chosen by the physical crystallography group this year is incommensurate structures - some crystallographers like them and others hate them, perhaps because they find them difficult to understand or model? There are two lecture sessions followed by the workshop in the afternoon on this more advanced topic in crystallography.

Detailed Programme

08:30 Gervais Chapuis (Lausanne, Switzerland) - The Strange World of Aperiodic Crystals

09:15 Vaclav Petricek (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) - Some Practical Aspects of Structure Analaysis of Modulated and Composite Structures

10:00 (Coffee & Exhibition)

10:30 Kenneth Harris (Birmingham / Cardiff) - Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Incommensurate Urea Inclusion Compounds

11:00 Clivia Hejny (Edinburgh) - Incommensurate Structures in Elements at High Pressure

11:30 Rob Hooft (Bruker-Nonius) - A Hexagonal Monster?

Parallel Session: Incommensurate Structures Workshop

Wednesday 7 April, 13:00 - 14:30 (PC Room)

Session leader : Vaclav Petricek (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)

The workshop will be a demonstration of the Jana software package for the refinement of incommensurate crystal structures.