IG logoX - Ray Fluorescence Site: 2009 Spring Meeting.

21 - 23th April 2009
University of Loughborough.

XRF Programme.

Link to the Industrial Group XRD Programme.
Link to BCA Meeting page for full meeting details including abstract submission and exhibition.
NOTE: 26th October is the deadline for contributed ORAL talks! Follow the BCA Meeting page link above and make sure your abstact is supplied using the template available for download from the "abstract upload page" link.

We plan a comprehensive XRF programme over the three days and also encourage dedicated XRF posters at this meeting. The deadline for poster contributions is 2nd February 2009.
Dave Taylor is the XRF representative on the planning committee. E-mail link at foot of page.

There will be a Commercial Exhibition and XRF vendors are encouraged to attend and give an Exhibitor talk.

More details will be posted here as they become available.

2009 Spring Meeting XRF Overview

���� Tuesday
21 April
22 April
23 April
AM Registration
XRF/XRD Keynote
Environmental Applications.
XRF Keynote
Coffee & Exhibition
AM XRF: General Applications
David Beveridge

Joint XRF/XRD Environmental Applications
Dave Taylor/Richard Morris
11:45 IG AGM
Method Validation.
Ros Schwarz
Lunch & Exhibition
PM XRF: General Applications
David Beveridge
XRF Environmental Applications.
Dave Taylor.
Portable Instruments
Margaret West
Tea & Exhibition
PM New Developments in
Instrumentation & TXRF

Margaret West
Trace Analysis
Mark Ingham
Exhibitors talks  
Evening Posters & Exhibition
Buffet & Wine Reception
Conference Dinner

XRF Session Details

Tuesday 21st April 2009

11:00 - 12:30 XRF: General Applications

David Beveridge is organiser and chair.

    11:00 TBA
    11:30 TBA
    12:00 TBA

12:30 Lunch

13:30 - 15:00 XRF: General Applications
David Beveridge is organiser and chair.

    13:30 TBA
    14:00 TBA
    14:30 TBA

15:00 Tea

15:30 - 17:00 New Developments in Instrumentation and TXRF
Margaret West is organiser and chair.

    15:30 Developments in TXRF analysis
    Prof Christina Streli, TU Wien, Atominstitut der �sterreichischen Universit�ten
    16:00 TBA
    16:30 TBA

17:15 -18:45 XRF Exhibitors' Forum.
Dave Taylor is organiser and chair.

Exhibitors will be allowed to give commercial talks aimed at encouraging delegates to visit their exhibition stand for further information. Exhibitors will be required to register in advance to give a presentation and the available time of 90 minutes will be divided equally to fit in all the talks.

Evening: Posters and Exhibition with buffet and wine.

Wednesday 22nd April 2009

09:00 - 09:45 XRF / XRD Keynote - Envirnonmental Applications.
Nick Marsh (Leicester)

10:15 - 11:45 XRF/XRD Joint session - Environmental Applications
Dave Taylor/Richard Morris are organisers.

    10:15 TBA
    10:45 TBA
    11:15 TBA

13:30 - 15:00 XRF: Environmental Applications.
Dave Taylor
is organiser and chair.

    13:30 How XRF fits into RoHS analyses.
    Christine Vanhoof, VITO - Environmental Analysis and Technology, Belgium.
    14:00 TBA
    14:30 TBA

15:00 Tea

15:30 - 18:00? Trace Analysis
Mark Ingham
is organiser and chair.

    15:00 TBA
    15:30 TBA
    16:00 TBA
    16:30 TBA
    17:00 TBA
    17:30 TBA

Evening: Conference Dinner.

Thursday 23rd April 2009

09:00 - 09:45 Foundation Lecture "Method Validation to Achieve ISO 17025 Accreditation"
David Lowe, United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

09:45 Coffee

10:15 - 11:45 Method Validation.
Ros Schwarz is organiser and chair.

    10:15 TBA
    10:45 TBA
    11:15 TBA

12:00 - 13:30 Portable Instruments.
Margaret West is organiser and chair.

    12:00 Portable X-ray fluorescence analysis - new opportunities, new challenges
    Phil Potts, Open University.
    12:30 TBA
    13:00 TBA

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