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July 1999 Newsletter


  1. Editorial
  2. Industrial Group Forum Overview 12-13/4/99 Reports
  3. Help!Spreadsheets Wanted
  4. Newsletter Mailing
  5. 1999-Industrial Group Award - Dr David Rendle
  6. Autumn Meeting:Workshop - Crystallography, the Internet and Spreadsheets. 4/11/99 Advance Notice
  7. Chairman's Report 1998-9
  8. Standards for DiffractionUseful Lists
  9. Spring Meeting April 2000 Advance Notice
  10. Committee members and addresses(1999)
  11. Newsletter Flyer ICDD Workshop


Welcome to the second newsletter of 1999. As you will notice this is a larger than normal newsletter because of the reports on the Crystallography Forum held in Coventry in April. Thanks to all who organised, s poke and participated in it. It was an outstanding success. However it has raised the issue of should it be held again? The forum was an experiment held against the background of no BCA Spring meeting and IUCr in Glasgow. Do you think it would work again if held in a normal year? And if so should it be held annually? Biannually? Not at all? Your views are very welcome to help the committee decide. You will also notice that the newsletter has a different format and feel to it. I am trying to build on the foundations laid so successfully by my predecessor, Bruce Fox. If you have any thoughts about the newsletter , its style or, even better, you have an unsolicited contribution that you think other would be interested in please get in touch. After all it is your newsletter, what do you want out of it?

Note: Workshops provisionally planned in 2000 - Structural Materials - Non Ambient Diffractometry. More information in next edition.

Colin Small

Newsletter Mailing

To keep cost down and to ensure that the printed newsletter gets to the appropriate people it is essential that we know your correct address. Also if there is a more appropriate contact in your organisation or if you no longer require a copy please let us know by contacting any of the committee officers.

The newsletter is also now posted on our WEB site and many members now receive notice of posting of the w eb edition instead of a paper copy. If you would like an e-mail notification of the WEB posting of future newsletters, then send an e-mail to [email protected] - with the title WEB NEWS

HELP!Spreadsheets Wanted

Dave Taylor is co-ordinating an Industrial Group effort to pull together a library of spreadsheet routines useful for diffraction and crystallography. If you have solved a diffraction or crystallography problem or developed a particul arly nifty routine with the aid of a spreadsheet why not share it with others? Please send a floppy (address on committee list) or e-mail a copy to ([email protected]). A selection of the most useful spreadsheets submitted will be demonstrated at the Birkbeck Workshop on 4th November 1999

Dave Taylor

Newsletter Flyer

Recipients of the paper edition of this Newsletter received a flyer advertising an International C entre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) workshop at St Helens College Merseyside on the 6-8 December 1999.

Full details of this meeting and an on line registration form can be found under Schools on the ICDD Web site.

Last updated 28 August 2002
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